Hoping to benefit my children, who suffered from colds...

Hoping to benefit my children, who suffered from colds in every form, I took up the study of Christian Science thirteen years ago, when told by an acquaintance that he had been healed by it. I never doubted his statement, and thought it worth investigating. I asked him to lend me his copy of Science and Health, which he did gladly. In looking through the book I was attracted by the chapter on "Prayer," and as I read I thought, How true! how beautiful! When I came to these words, "The habitual struggle to be always good is unceasing prayer" (Science and Health p. 4), the meaning of the Scriptural command, "Pray without ceasing," was revealed to me. I was then better prepared to understand somewhat the remaining chapters, and became so interested that I forgot I was possessed of a physical body which had caused me inconvenience for years, and suddenly I realized that I was well. Material labor was done as if without effort, that I might have more time to read Science and Health, and learn to pray without using "vain repetitions." Those were happy days, when error was so unreal that arguments were unnecessary. The study of this book has changed my whole life and brought many blessings too sacred for words, and my desire for the companionship of other Christian Scientists has been granted. I had a relative confined in an insane asylum, and my greatest desire was to see her well also. Her husband thought Christian Science could not accomplish what four physicians had failed to do, but in two weeks I was made extremely happy by the receipt of a letter stating that my relative was at home, well! I thought this was in return for my gratitude for what had been done for me. Later this was explained to me more clearly by an article which appeared in the Sentinel (Oct. 6, 1906). It was entitled, "What Our Leader Says," and in it Mrs. Eddy tells us that "good thoughts are an impervious armor; clad therewith you are completely shielded from the attacks of error of every sort. And not only yourself are safe, but all whom your thoughts rest upon are thereby benefited." In counting my blessings I love to repeat these lines of a poem from the Sentinel: —

God has been good to me; to tell in part,
Demands new words and all eternity.

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Testimony of Healing
As a beneficiary of the healing power of Christian Science
March 28, 1908

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