In Science and Health (p. 321) Mrs. Eddy tells of Moses' experience at Mount Horeb, when God called to him from the burning bush and commanded him to go to his brethren who were in bondage to the Egyptian taskmasters. Referring to the rod which became a serpent, she says. "In this incident was seen the actuality of Science, and this proof was a staff upon which to lean."

Moses was standing on holy ground, conscious of the immediate presence, the fire of Divinity, yet, when from this fire of Love and light he was given a message and a mission, with promise of help and success, he demurred and seemed to be unwilling to obey. Studying the preceding chapter, we find that he expressed this unwillingness three times. He pleaded his unimportance in the sight of men; the children of Israel's ignorance of even the name of God, and finally the probability of his being looked upon as an impostor. It is then that Divine wisdom searches him with the demand, "What is that in thine hand?" To what false human concept art thou giving a sense of dominion? Moses answers promptly, "A rod," something to be relied upon. Then wisdom bade him cast it down to the holy ground on which he stood, into the light of Truth and Love emanating from the burning bush, and when he did so the error was uncovered — the rod became a serpent, and Moses fled from it.

Every student of Truth, every loyal follower of the Christ revealed to us in Christian Science, comes as Moses came, into the presence of the burning bush; then in the presence of Love and Truth he, too, takes off his shoes, and there receives a message and a mission. If he falters and holds back, the voice of Truth will inevitably be heard, "What is that in thine hand?" To what art thou giving a sense of dominion that hinders thy willing and joyful obedience? Art thou holding a false concept of power in fear, in selfrighteousness, in pride, in class, in wealth, in intellect — then cast it down on holy ground, and in the light of Truth its real nature will be shown — no rod to rely upon, but a serpent to destroy. But the false concept may take some subtler form, may claim allegiance in the guise of human love, family affection, friendship — art thou relying on this, standing with this in thy hand, letting its seeming sweetness and power hold thee back from perfect service? Cast this down also, and Truth will reveal the serpent's sign of mortality in all the fair seeming.

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March 28, 1908

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