Christian Science has done so much for me during...

Christian Science has done so much for me during the three and a half years in which I have tried to follow its teachings, that I wish to express my gratitude to God, and to Mrs. Eddy for this wonderful truth. When Christian Science came to me I was laboring under a heavy burden,—one which only those can know who have had a member of the family stricken with a fatal illness, and who have very little means to employ help. For more than two years my mother, who was in a condition that rendered her perfectly helpless, had required my constant care. Through the study of Science and Health the load of care was lifted. My concept of God was changed, courage took the place of depression, and with the new thought came a knowledge that He is a very present help in time of trouble. As our Leader says, "With the understanding of Scripture-meanings, had come physical rejuvenation. The uplifting of spirit was the upbuilding of the body" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 169.) Through the application of this truth I was able to care for my mother two years longer, and do all the housework that was necessary. I had several minor difficulties to overcome, such as sore throat, toothache, etc., and they were all met by the power of Truth. I wish to relate the chief demonstration I had. While taking a walk one evening, I fell on an icy sidewalk, seemingly injuring my spine quite severely. It seemed as though I could not walk or even rise again, but I knew that Truth and Love are all-powerful, and with this knowledge I was enabled to go on and do all that was required of me night and day, without letting any one know I had met with this accident. After a short time the trouble left me and never returned.

I came to realize that a knowledge of Christian Science was the best thing I had, and through this understanding I was able to keep well and strong. I have great reason to be grateful, and to love Mrs. Eddy for her life of faithfulness to God, whereby she was enabled to be a channel for this glorious truth. It is hard to estimate the blessing Christian Science was to my mother, both physically and spiritually. She was kept free from pain, and finally passed peacefully away. Through the days of grief that followed, the study of the Bible with Science and Health brought the comfort and peace that I so much needed. In writing of the physical benefits I would not forget the spiritual uplifting, for I know that only through the spiritual understanding of God have I been able to receive these physical helps. Having been a member of an orthodox church for several years, and a teacher in the Sunday School, I believed that the spiritual sense should be brought into use in our Christian life, and not buried, but I did not know how to make the needed application of the Scriptures. I believed that a Christian should have the Mind that was in Christ Jesus and be Christlike, and in studying Science and Health I found the light which I was seeking. The Bible became a new book; I rejoiced to know the all-ness of God and the nothingness of evil, and I desired to follow this light unto the perfect day. The Sentinel and Journal bring food and drink to those who are hungering and thirsting after righteousness.

Florence A. Hatch, Syracuse, N. Y.

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Testimony of Healing
Through gratitude to God, and to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy,...
March 23, 1907

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