In Smith Opera House last evening [Feb. 1] Bicknell Young gave a lecture on Christian Science. Attorney E. A. Griffith presided at the meeting, and in introducing the lecturer spoke in part as follows:—

I am not a Christian Scientist, but I number among my best friends several who are firm believers in Christian Science, and whose lives, so far as anything I have been able to observe, are as pure and exemplary as that of the members of any religious sect. In them I have noticed rules of conduct and a manner of living in some respects superior to those exemplified in other religious sects, and many things that are very commendable. If Christian Science tends to uplift mankind, makes better men and women, truer citizens and better homes, it surely has a place as a religion among the people of all nations. I have seen the exemplification of the teachings of Christian Science through its devotees, my neighbors and friends. I hope to know more about the Principle of Christian Science after hearing the lecturer, and it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Bicknell Young.—Geneva Times.

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March 23, 1907

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