In the words of the Psalmist I...

In the words of the Psalmist I can say (Ps. 103:2), "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." When Christian Science was presented to me I was in great physical and mental need. At that time I was seeking answers to questions about God and the universe. The orthodox churches I had attended never satisfied my yearning to know God.

The first service I attended in a Church of Christ, Scientist, convinced me that I had come to the right place at last. Afterward I read a Sentinel that had been offered me; them I obtained Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. Before I had finished reading it through, I was healed of partial paralysis, heart trouble, and a nervous condition verging upon prostration. These troubles had been treated for several months by physicians, with no relief becoming apparent.

Tonsillitis, sick headaches, influenza, and a tendency to have frequent colds have all been healed, and I have enjoyed excellent health for the past forth years. Some of the mental benefits I have gained are hopeful outlook on life and a more patient disposition. I am grateful for the help of a faithful practitioner and a Christian Science nurse at the birth of each of my four children, all of whom were born at home. Also I am grateful that the children had the privilege of attending the Sunday School.

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Testimony of Healing
I should like to express my gratitude...
July 18, 1953

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