My first healing in Christian Science...

My first healing in Christian Science came through the study of the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. From early childhood I had been under the care of physicians and specialists for an infection said to have been contracted from a vaccination. After I was grown a member of the family who had become interested in Christian Science gave me a copy of the textbook, and I began reading it. Soon all suffering ceased, and I was entirely healed. This took place more than fifteen years ago.

Another healing was very interesting to me because it showed that the correction of error through the realization of a divine fact brings instantaneous healing. While talking on the telephone to a friend regarding a financial problem, I became disturbed. When I hung up the telephone my back and my arms were tense with pain, and my head was aching. I examined my thinking and found that I had assumed a false sense of responsibility, which was the result of my own outlining. Turning to the Lesson-Sermon for the week in the Christian Science Quarterly, I found what I needed in these words from the textbook (p. 400): "Without divine control there is discord, manifest as sin, sickness, and death." I was instantaneously healed.

Through a series of circumstances I became the president of a corporation. Almost immediately I was persuaded to give up this position and sell my stock in the company, in which I was the only woman executive, as well as the only Christian Scientist. With the help of a faithful practitioner I was able to overcome the beliefs of injustice, disappointment, and defeat in what appeared to be a man's world, where a woman was deemed unqualified to solve complicated business problems.

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Testimony of Healing
More than fifteen years ago...
July 4, 1953

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