Church Dedications

Note: Christian Science churches are dedicated only when free from debt.

Sutton Coldfield News

Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire, England (First Church).

From London, Bristol, Rugby, Derby, and many other areas visitors flocked to attend the dedication services of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Sutton Coldfield, and a great many messages of good will were received from friends all over the country.

Christian Science services were first held in Sutton Coldfield twenty-six years ago. Since then the growth of the movement has been rapid. In the early years services were held in the Co-operative Hall. ... Last Sunday the new church was dedicated.

On this occasion the large auditorium was filled to capacity with local residents and visitors. "An atmosphere of reverent joy and overflowing gratitude pervaded all three services," a spokesman told the News.

Sutton Coldfield News April 3, 1953

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The Christian Science Periodicals
July 4, 1953

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