The testimonies in our periodicals...

The testimonies in our periodicals and those I have heard at our Wednesday testimony meetings in Churches of Christ, Scientist, have greatly inspired and illumined my thought. In humble gratitude I relate the following experience, hoping that it will help someone as I have been helped.

On account of a retail business which entailed long hours of work, my husband and I were forced to live in a somewhat neglected neighborhood. Because we were dissatisfied with the environment, we moved from one apartment to another, very frequently blaming our plight on the neighborhood. Finally we endeavored to correct the situation by obtaining a business in a very attractive neighborhood. A suitable residence was established, and the problem seemed to be solved. But after a year the business proved to be unsuccessful, and we were forced to retrace our footsteps. Again we were faced with the problem of seeking an apartment in the old locality.

At that time I was a rather young student of Christian Science, and I sought the advice of more experienced students. It was revealed to me that my concept of neighborhood and home had to be changed. I was told to study the following quotation from "Pulpit and Press" by Mrs. Eddy (p.2): "The real house in which 'we live, and move, and have our being' is Spirit, God, the eternal harmony of infinite Soul."

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Signs of the Times
October 10, 1953

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