[Of Special Interest to Children]

Andy was not old enough to go to school, but every Sunday he went to the Christian Science Sunday School. The teacher had taught him the Ten Commandments, and he could say the Lord's Prayer with the spiritual interpretation from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. The teacher often told the children stories from the Bible, too. Andy loved to listen to these stories, and he was able to remember some of them quite well.

Andy was a happy boy. He liked to ride his tricycle and play with other children. But the moment a few drops of rain fell, Andy would leave his tricycle and his friends and run into the house. He would close the door and ask someone to turn on the radio so that he would not be able to hear the rain. Then he would sit in a dark corner of the room and let error tell him that he was afraid of the rain.

On morning when their father and mother had gone on a long trip and he and his sister were at home with the housekeeper, it rained for several hours. Andy was so unhappy that the housekeeper telephoned a Christian Science practitioner and asked her to come to see him. When she arrived, she found Andy sitting by himself in a corner crying, "I don't like it to rain."

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October 10, 1953

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