The conflict between the true and the false which appears to be taking place in human consciousness presents the need for wise decisions in connection with every thought and deed. Christian Science teaches that the divine Mind is constantly giving evidence of its own love, wisdom, and perfectness, even though the material senses would try to convince one that disease, disaster, discord, and death are real and irresistible. This Science, further says that because God is the only creator, one can be certain of the love and existence of God, and just as certain of the falsity of discord of every name and nature. Acceptance of these fundamental propositions in Christian Science prepares the way for healing and for making right decisions in human affairs.

Elijah helped his people to make a right decision concerning God when they had fallen into the error of worshiping the idols of Baal (I Kings 18:21-39). He did this by causing "the fire of the Lord" to consume the burnt offering after the prophets of Baal had failed in their attempt to prove that their so-called gods could do the same thing. It was a satisfying demonstration of divine omnipotence, for the Bible says, "When all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The Lord, he is the God; the Lord, he is the God."

We too can prove the omnipotence of our God when we, as did Elijah, repudiate all belief in false gods. This may be done by recognizing God as divine Mind expressing Himself in ideas. Because God is incorporeal, not in or of matter and material conditions, He cannot be seen materially, but He can be known through the demonstration of His perfect qualities.

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January 27, 1951

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