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"A more excellent ministry"
In the fourth chapter of Luke's Gospel is narrated the healing, by the Master, of Simon's mother-in-law. According to the writer this healing was of an acute illness from which the patient found herself suddenly well, for we read that "immediately she arose and ministered unto them." What a mark of gratitude was this, and how significant of this woman's sincerity and appreciation of her instantaneous healing!
Not always did Jesus find in those he healed a sense of gratitude, as witness the nine out of the ten lepers who did not return to give thanks to the one through whom they had been cleansed of their dread disease. With this woman, however, the desire to render some loving service in token of her gratitude was uppermost in her thought. Nothing is so happifying and satisfying to one as engaging in some unselfed work for others. It is only natural that those who experience some great and wondrous good should desire to share this good with others.
Perhaps the most outstanding example of this sharing may be found in Mrs. Eddy's experience, for after her own healing of the result of an accident she drew apart for three years from the world of commonplace experiene to meditate and ponder the deep things of God. Her purpose was not only to discover the Science of that which had healed her, but also, and indeed mainly, that she might minister unto others in a way that should reach all humanity. Thus our Leader established the Church of Christ, Scientist.
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December 18, 1937 issue
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"A more excellent ministry"
The Naturalness of Truth
Infinite Spirit versus Spirits Many
God Governs
Overcoming Obstacles in Business
The Joy of Obedience
The statement by "Verity" in his letter in your issue of...
William K. Primrose, Assistant to the Committee on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In a communication entitled "Religion and Hypnotism"...
William Kerr, Committee on Publication for the State of Idaho,
In your issue of the twenty-fourth inst., under the caption...
John Lingard, Committee on Publication for Midlothian, Scotland,
In a review of "What Is Osteopathy?" in your issue of...
George W. Martin, former Committee on Publication for Victoria, Australia,
A Psalm of Life
No Condemnation of the Real Man
Duncan Sinclair
Reflected Love
George Shaw Cook
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Thomas B. Buckner, Jr., Martha Fuls, Alice P. Dietz, Meta A. Davies, May N. Elzy, Jay W. Houch, James Philip Nelson
Christian Science was truly given to me by God, for...
Berthe Bergougnoux
Twenty-five years ago my mother was instantaneously...
Frances Kennedy
For some time I have felt it a duty to tell of the many...
Lorena M. Stanley
About twelve years ago, when serving as an army staff...
Hans Holm Millar with contributions from Rebekah Isobel Millar
I have been a student of Christian Science for many...
Blondie May Stockley with contributions from Edna Page Bridgforth
We read in the Bible, "Seek, and ye shall find; knock,...
Laura Elizabeth Pray
Take Courage
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Carl C. Magee, Arthur H. Ryan, Dean Harry Beal, Elder Taylor G. Bunch, Robert A. Millikan, J. L. Newland, Frank M. Selover