of people consider Jesus to have been a very good man, yet seem to be uncertain about his teachings and entertain some doubt as to whether or not he was the promised Messiah.
thought of discipline is often associated with irksome, and even unwilling obedience to rules and regulations devised by those in positions of authority to ensure the successful conduct of a public service, a bank, a business, and so on.
question sometimes arises in our churches, especially when the need for a larger auditorium has led to the erection of an edifice exceeding in capacity the immediate needs of the congregation, "Who will fill the vacant seats?
beginning the study of Christian Science, the student learns that his physical condition and surroundings express the thoughts which are entertained about them.
William Brantly, former Committee on Publication for the State of Tennessee,
In a recent issue of the Press there appeared a letter entitled "the Constitution," which contained this statement: "Many, in days gone by, have essayed to change the Bible, but for lack of life their spurious ideas and futile efforts failed to become effective.
Leslie Burn Andreae, Committee on Publication for Norfolk, England,
In today's Eastern Daily Press there appears a report of a meeting at which it was stated that faith is "a root principle of Christian Science," and that "it had had remarkable results.
as an hireling would I serve Thy will,O Love divine—as seeking a rewardFor work well done—thinking the power liesWithin myself to do or fail to do,To make wrong right or change the dark to light.
It is indeed cause for rejoicing to have a religion that is practical and provable; to have learned how to turn to God at all times and under all conditions.
For the past six years I have experienced much peace and contentment, and I am happy to attribute this to the teachings of Christian Science as found in Science and Health, and other writings of Mary Baker Eddy.
Many healings have taken place in the years that I have studied and applied Christian Science, including healings of ptomaine poisoning, sprained ankle and wrist, and severe burns from hot fat.
Having had so many blessings through the study of Christian Science it is not an easy task to single out one in particular for which to express adequate gratitude.
I pray to see Your way;Sometimes the road seems long,But always if I walk with YouAnd lift my voice in song,The sweetness of Your love is mineIn ever lovelier sense;The way grows brighter every step,The clouds not near so dense.
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