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The Omniaction of Mind
The tragic ignorance of God and of spiritual law has cut deep in the affairs of men and nations through many centuries. It seems almost incredible that after nearly two thousand years of Christianity the tendency of mankind in general is still to cling to a blind faith in some far-off Deity instead of to seek and to find a demonstrable understanding of the ever-present divine Father, the eternal Giver of all good. In what are termed the physical sciences, demonstrable knowledge is studiously sought after. How much more should demonstrable understanding of the Science supreme, the Science of infinite Mind, or God, the Christ Science, understood by the great Galilean Prophet, be sought after and studied! Tragedy has indeed stalked through the centuries because of ignorance of this Science. Surely it is time for mankind to cease from regarding God as an unknowable, awesome Being, possessing human characteristics, a God who is sometimes wrathful, sometimes afflictive, sometimes vengeful, sometimes loving—a God of changing moods. Sin, sickness, sorrow, catastrophes, and calamities will continue to harass mankind so long as God is wrongly regarded as the sender of these ills or even as being conscious of and allowing them. The Ruler of the universe must be rightly understood; then His divine power can be demonstrated in overcoming error and evil and establishing and maintaining harmony and peace.
Christian Science declares and demonstrates that God is immutable Love, the divine Principle of the universe, the one supreme, governing intelligence, or Mind, the only creator, eternally guarding and protecting His perfect creation. The carnal or mortal mind and its concomitant, matter, together with all their supposed effects, are unknown to Deity; therefore they have no true existence. "Matter and its effects—sin, sickness, and death—are states of mortal mind which act, react, and then come to a stop. They are not facts of Mind. They are not ideas, but illusions. Principle is absolute." This statement by the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 283), is a fundamental teaching of Christian Science, the understanding of which confers ability to demonstrate the power of divine Mind in human affairs. A little girl was asked, "What do you do to keep from getting sick?" She replied: "Well, I know that it is only mortal mind that tells people they can be sick, and I won't have anything to do with that old lie. I know that God is the only Mind, and because I am God's child, I can have only what comes from God." The world needs to cherish the child thought, to obey the admonition of St. John, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols," and so to render allegiance to the one Mind.
The illusive effects of those states of mortal mind which "act, react, and then come to a stop" may be seen all about us, and should give mankind pause. Mortal mind's modus is lawless, because it is utterly at variance with the orderly processes of divine Principle, or Mind. Every wrong condition, whether it be manifested in the human body or the body politic, is brought about by false mental action, action divergent from and opposed to the omniaction of the infinite divine Mind. Because God, divine Mind, is omniactive, and the effects of His activity are wholly beneficent, mortal mind's so-called activity, alias false, material thinking and its effects, must be delusive, illusive, and harmful.
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June 1, 1935 issue
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Good Neighbors
Our Gratitude in Stone
The Omniaction of Mind
Out of the Depths
Your issue of December 21, 1934, reports a minister of...
William K. Kitchen, Committee on Publication for New Jersey,
With reference to your library feature last week, I should...
John A. C. Fraser, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
Your issue of June 8 contains a letter on spiritual healing...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In the "Points from the Pulpit" column a clergyman is...
Mrs. Florence S. Smith, Committee on Publication for Queensland, Australia,
Jesus of Nazareth
Standing Firm and Rejoicing in the Truth
Duncan Sinclair
Reality is Power
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Esther A. Price, Lula W. Morse
I want to express my gratitude for a healing I received...
Fordyce W. Fish
Through sincere study and faithful application of the...
Mary Scott Vittitoe
For some time I have had the desire to testify to the...
Annie Fish with contributions from Alice Fish
I have felt for a long time that I should write and express...
Irene F. Cypher
I am very grateful for the fact that all my life I have...
Frederick Carlyle Haenchen, Jr.
I should like to testify to the healing and regenerating...
Kathryn Erickson
Our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, tells us that "God is good, and...
Forrest Benjamin Lund
I am truly grateful for Christian Science, and especially...
Lulu Ostle Milbrad with contributions from Annis W. Hardgrove
The Widow's Mites
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Henry J. Allen, Reeves C. Havens, Richard M. Trelease, Aaron Cohen, William H. Stackel