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I am truly grateful for Christian Science, and especially...
I am truly grateful for Christian Science, and especially for the Christian Science Sunday School.
When I was a child I was sent about sixty miles from home to attend school, and I went into the home of Christian Scientists to live. I attended the Christian Science Sunday School, and among other things I learned "the scientific statement of being," found on page 468 of the textbook, "Science and Health with key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Upon returning to my home, I taught my mother this statement. I was married soon after this and moved to the northern part of Montana, After the lapse of a few years, I was stricken with inflammatory rheumatism and was in a critical condition, with finger joints, knee joints, and ankle joints swollen. I suffered intense pain. My mother came into my home, and as she had been an earnest student of Christian Science for two years, she talked to me about this healing truth. Finally the doctors said they could do nothing more for me, as the medicine given for the rheumatism had affected the heart, but they suggested that I be taken to the Hot Springs. My mother again asked me to try Christian Science, so I wrote to a practitioner about two hundred and fifty miles from home. In a few days I received a letter from her in which she gave me some references to read, and also told me to study the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly every day. I was obedient, and in three weeks' time was completely healed. That was over eighteen years ago, and I have had no return of this ailment.
Soon after taking up the study of Christian Science I thought of my duty to my two small boys. There was only a Sunday school of another denomination in the small town in which we were living, and I did not know whether or not to place them there. I made a trip of forty miles to visit a practitioner and ask for counsel. She told me that if I would teach the boys the meaning of God, Christ, and Jesus, that I should do more for them than any other Sunday school. These definitions are to be found in the Glossary in the Christian Science textbook. I am profoundly grateful to say that today they are both members of The Mother Church and a branch church.
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June 1, 1935 issue
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Good Neighbors
Our Gratitude in Stone
The Omniaction of Mind
Out of the Depths
Your issue of December 21, 1934, reports a minister of...
William K. Kitchen, Committee on Publication for New Jersey,
With reference to your library feature last week, I should...
John A. C. Fraser, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
Your issue of June 8 contains a letter on spiritual healing...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In the "Points from the Pulpit" column a clergyman is...
Mrs. Florence S. Smith, Committee on Publication for Queensland, Australia,
Jesus of Nazareth
Standing Firm and Rejoicing in the Truth
Duncan Sinclair
Reality is Power
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Esther A. Price, Lula W. Morse
I want to express my gratitude for a healing I received...
Fordyce W. Fish
Through sincere study and faithful application of the...
Mary Scott Vittitoe
For some time I have had the desire to testify to the...
Annie Fish with contributions from Alice Fish
I have felt for a long time that I should write and express...
Irene F. Cypher
I am very grateful for the fact that all my life I have...
Frederick Carlyle Haenchen, Jr.
I should like to testify to the healing and regenerating...
Kathryn Erickson
Our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, tells us that "God is good, and...
Forrest Benjamin Lund
I am truly grateful for Christian Science, and especially...
Lulu Ostle Milbrad with contributions from Annis W. Hardgrove
The Widow's Mites
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Henry J. Allen, Reeves C. Havens, Richard M. Trelease, Aaron Cohen, William H. Stackel