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Reality is Power
On page 353 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mrs. Eddy writes, "Perfection underlies reality." The verity of being is the harmony of being, and by means of Christian Science we can grasp this verity and experience this harmony. Throughout the world-wide Field of Christian Science there is mounting evidence of the reality and power of life and health made available to humanity through the understanding of spiritual being.
Yet too often the effort of the student centers on fathoming the unreality of evil rather than on grasping with rejoicing the reality of good. And because this effort is mainly negative, it is not fully successful. To offset this, one should continually recall, and suitably recount, cases of healing where sin has yielded to right-mindedness, sickness to health, sorrow to comfort, and lack to abundance. Recognition of these examples of healing, regardless of who experiences the healings, invigorates the faith of those who are moving on to victory through the smoke of battle. The more readily such as these dwell upon the reality and power of good, the more readily do they grasp and prove the nothingness of the discord which seems to confront them. On the rock of spiritual understanding there is secure foothold for all.
In "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 252) Mrs. Eddy declares that "right thoughts are reality and power; wrongthoughts are unreality and powerless, possessing the nature of dreams." Who would fear a dream? Students of Christian Science entertain a host of right thoughts; but do they remember that it is also their duty to rejoice and trust in the potency of their own true thinking derived from the one Mind? Or do they, on occasions, fear false beliefs and undestroyed fears more than they trust in the potency of every thought imbued with Truth? False beliefs, having no contact with divine Principle, have no contact with power. And true thoughts, being linked with Truth, are untrammeled by evil suggestions. Therefore each student must feel convinced of the intrinsic power of every true thought he sincerely entertains.
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June 1, 1935 issue
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Good Neighbors
Our Gratitude in Stone
The Omniaction of Mind
Out of the Depths
Your issue of December 21, 1934, reports a minister of...
William K. Kitchen, Committee on Publication for New Jersey,
With reference to your library feature last week, I should...
John A. C. Fraser, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
Your issue of June 8 contains a letter on spiritual healing...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In the "Points from the Pulpit" column a clergyman is...
Mrs. Florence S. Smith, Committee on Publication for Queensland, Australia,
Jesus of Nazareth
Standing Firm and Rejoicing in the Truth
Duncan Sinclair
Reality is Power
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Esther A. Price, Lula W. Morse
I want to express my gratitude for a healing I received...
Fordyce W. Fish
Through sincere study and faithful application of the...
Mary Scott Vittitoe
For some time I have had the desire to testify to the...
Annie Fish with contributions from Alice Fish
I have felt for a long time that I should write and express...
Irene F. Cypher
I am very grateful for the fact that all my life I have...
Frederick Carlyle Haenchen, Jr.
I should like to testify to the healing and regenerating...
Kathryn Erickson
Our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, tells us that "God is good, and...
Forrest Benjamin Lund
I am truly grateful for Christian Science, and especially...
Lulu Ostle Milbrad with contributions from Annis W. Hardgrove
The Widow's Mites
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Henry J. Allen, Reeves C. Havens, Richard M. Trelease, Aaron Cohen, William H. Stackel