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I wish to make public acknowledgment of healings I...
I wish to make public acknowledgment of healings I have received through the ministrations of Christian Science. As I was early interested in union of the churches, my first objection to Christian Science was that it constituted one more division among Christians. During my former church affiliation, however, I was a periodic sufferer from acute indigestion, supposedly of a hereditary nature, and in time of need I turned not to God but to the physicians. Yet I had witnessed the gradual obliteration of scars from the face of a man who had been healed of cancer by Christian Science; and afterwards my wife had been healed of a disorder by the same means.
Thus it was that later, when in dire extremity, I turned to God and not to the physicians. My relief was speedy and without the aftereffects which formerly had been usual occurrences. My full healing was not realized for a time, but the recurring attacks became less and less painful. In the meantime I had the opportunity of studying the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and there was comfort in the assertion on page 228, "Heredity is a prolific subject for mortal belief to pin theories upon; but if we learn that nothing is real but the right, we shall have no dangerous inheritances, and fleshly ills will disappear." This healing was completed several years ago.
At other times I have been healed very quickly of influenza, metal burns, and other discordant conditions. I am seeing that, instead of constituting one more division among Christian people, the exalted and inspired teachings of Christian Science constitute "the mountain of the Lord's house" that "shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it."
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May 18, 1935 issue
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The Branches and the Vine
The Unreality of Handicaps
Unselfed Love
"Laus Deo, it is done"
Effective Prayer
Completing Our Demonstration
And It Was Winter
In your issue of last evening there is a report headed...
Leslie Burn Andreae, Committee on Publication for Norfolk, England,
In the article, "The Material Universe," printed in the...
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for Iowa,
May I have space for a reply to a letter written by...
George H. Kitendaugh, Committee on Publication for Jamaica, British West Indies,
Eternal Truth
Only One Real Presence—Love
Duncan Sinclair
True Healing Waters
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from D. A. Kensington Savage, Franklin Edward Miller
Christian Science means everything to me, for, having...
Emily Delbridge
Having received much help and encouragement from...
Minna M. McIntire
As a boy and young man I did not care for religion, but...
J. Gösta Thorén
The healing of a little daughter was sufficient proof to...
Madge A. Carpenter
In July, 1912, my affairs were in very bad shape
Clarence R. Lovell
Before I began to study Christian Science about five...
Yvonne D. Parsons
During the past quarter of a century I have received...
Grace D. Thorpe
I wish to make public acknowledgment of healings I...
Henry Lyman Corey
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Alfred Grant Walton, Winfred Rhoades, Frank M. Selover