The healing of a little daughter was sufficient proof to...

The healing of a little daughter was sufficient proof to me that Christian Science heals. At birth she was a healthy, normal, and happy babe. When she was ten days old violent vomiting took place and continued for about ten moths. The physical condition was distressing and excruciatingly painful. Malnutrition had emaciated the body, and she had not gained two pounds in weight. She cried incessantly. The physician who had attended her for about two months gave up the case, telling me to do my best. This seemed a grave responsibility to assume, but I accepted it, hoping to find a way to bring her back to health. Changes of food and suggestions of kind neighbors proved of no avail. One day when it seemed that she could not live through another day, a neighbor sent for me and told me in detail of her husband's healing of gallstones. When she had finished I knew that that which had been accomplished, and the manner in which this healing had come about, was not from the skill of surgeon or physician. She told me Christian Science was the only thing that could help the child, and asked me to secure the help of a practitioner. This I did, reluctantly, for I had become disgusted with religion and did not care to have anything to do with it.

A practitioner called at our home in the afternoon and gave a present treatment. The baby ceased crying, food was given her and she went to sleep, sleeping naturally thereafter. Other discords yielded readily, and in three days the functions of the body were natural and normal.

I am so grateful for the reply of the practitioner when I asked what she thought best to feed the child. Having tried many foods with no good results, I did not know what to do. She said in substance, Feed her as you would a healthy child, for it is not the food but error in the home that has caused this illness. She assured me that the error would be eliminated. never to return. The promise was fulfilled. My husband had been a slave to strong drink for ten years. He was freed of this curse immediately. I was healed of worry, indigestion, loss of memory, a painful conditions of the heart, sleeplessness, grief, fear of insanity, the need of glasses, humiliation, and a dislike for things religious. A great peace and comfort descended upon our household, and these, with other errors, ceased to be manifested from that day.

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Testimony of Healing
Several years ago I was instantaneously healed through...
May 18, 1935

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