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In July, 1912, my affairs were in very bad shape
In July, 1912, my affairs were in very bad shape. The worry and struggle were beginning to affect my body as well. I had not been attending church services or reading the Bible for years, although I had been an earnest student at an orthodox Sunday school and a member of a church in former years. There being no human help visible, I got out my Bible and started reading in the Gospel of Matthew. The seventh verse of the seventh chapter arrested my attention. It seemed so clear: "Ask, and it shall be given you." What did I want? What did I need? Having been the seeming victim of much fraud and deceit, I concluded that if there was such a thing as truth, I wanted that. I closed the book, prayed to God to be shown the truth, and went on my way.
I did not know then that Christian Science presents the truth. Several people mentioned this Science, some approvingly, some disapprovingly. I rejected it. After repeatedly hearing of it from different ones, I questioned myself as to what knowledge I had of it. I had to confess I had none. Then the thought came that I had better find out about it before condemning it, so I hunted up the local branch Church of Christ, Scientist, and with my wife and child attended a Sunday service. I liked the service and took home with me a copy of The Christian Science Journal. While reading an article in it, I came to a citation from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, page 579, line 15. After I had pondered the passage for a while, it seemed as if scales dropped from my mental vision and I saw that this was what I had asked for. It was the truth.
I then procured a copy of Science and Health and began its study. It was all-absorbing. I began to apply what I could understand, took the rest on faith, and began at once to get results: smoking ceased; drinking alcoholic drinks, tea, and coffee ceased; ills of the flesh were overcome for members of the family and for me; and financial affairs began to straighten out. Today, twenty-two years later, I am as thoroughly convinced that Christian Science is the truth as I was that day when it dawned upon me. Thank God for our Leader and the revelation of Christian Science, for The Mother Church and its earnest, devoted Board of Directors, and for all the activities of The Mother Church.
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May 18, 1935 issue
View Issue-
The Branches and the Vine
The Unreality of Handicaps
Unselfed Love
"Laus Deo, it is done"
Effective Prayer
Completing Our Demonstration
And It Was Winter
In your issue of last evening there is a report headed...
Leslie Burn Andreae, Committee on Publication for Norfolk, England,
In the article, "The Material Universe," printed in the...
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for Iowa,
May I have space for a reply to a letter written by...
George H. Kitendaugh, Committee on Publication for Jamaica, British West Indies,
Eternal Truth
Only One Real Presence—Love
Duncan Sinclair
True Healing Waters
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from D. A. Kensington Savage, Franklin Edward Miller
Christian Science means everything to me, for, having...
Emily Delbridge
Having received much help and encouragement from...
Minna M. McIntire
As a boy and young man I did not care for religion, but...
J. Gösta Thorén
The healing of a little daughter was sufficient proof to...
Madge A. Carpenter
In July, 1912, my affairs were in very bad shape
Clarence R. Lovell
Before I began to study Christian Science about five...
Yvonne D. Parsons
During the past quarter of a century I have received...
Grace D. Thorpe
I wish to make public acknowledgment of healings I...
Henry Lyman Corey
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Alfred Grant Walton, Winfred Rhoades, Frank M. Selover