the occasion of the laying of the cornerstone of The Mother Church in 1894, our beloved Leader wrote the poem "Laus Deo," which was set to music and was played on the church chimes and sung by the congregation at the dedication services in January, 1895.
often would we be rid of some annoying false claim, some persistent error, that seems again and again to lift its hydra head, even after we are sure that a problem has been entirely solved! No doubt it was the recognition of this seeming persistence of error which led our great Master, Jesus the Christ, to give to his hearers the parable regarding the unclean spirit, as related in Matthew.
was felt that yearAnd known to be severe,Felt in the marrow of the bonesMore than in trees and stonesOr in that eastern groundThat flourishes year round.
Leslie Burn Andreae, Committee on Publication for Norfolk, England,
In your issue of last evening there is a report headed "Spiritualism and Christianity," in which Christian Science is referred to in a way that might lead some of your readers to classify Christian Science with spiritualism.
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for Iowa,
In the article, "The Material Universe," printed in the Tribune, your contributor generously and kindly acknowledged the great growth in numbers of those who have accepted and profitably applied to their own experiences the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy.
O blessed
Truth, clothed in eternal light,Come Thou, and shed on earth Thy lustrous rays,And hasten to disperse the clouded daysSo filled with formless void and darkest night.
the fifth chapter of his Gospel, John describes a healing wrought by Christ Jesus which, in the light of Christian Science, is of vital interest to men today as it was to those who witnessed this remarkable exhibition of spiritual power.
Christian Science means everything to me, for, having lost almost all human ties, I had to depend upon it for companionship, business direction, and protection.
I am grateful that the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, saw the wisdom of establishing The Christian Science Board of Lectureship as a channel through which this truth may go out into the world, to heal the suffering and reclaim the sinner.
Having received much help and encouragement from the testimonies given in The Christian Science Journal and Sentinel, I desire to tell of my many blessings that others may be helped.
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