was early spring, when the sun had that sudden warmth which makes the whole world feel young, and turns the bare branches crimson and orange with rising sap.
students of Christian Science we rejoice in the abundant good which is unfolded in our experience in proportion as we put into practice the teachings of this new-old religion.
is related in the thirteenth and fourteenth chapters of Numbers that heads of the tribes of Israel were sent by Moses "to spy out the land of Canaan" and bring back a report as to the possibilities of acquiring it.
Christian Science
teaches that absolute unity exists between the creator and His creation, and that therefore there never can be any separation between God and man.
the children of Israel had gained their freedom from Pharaoh, whom they had considered their sole taskmaster, it developed that many enslaving thought conditions within themselves had to be corrected ere they could enter the promised land.
Because of the very large number of applications for employment which the Publishing Society receives each year, we believe the Field will be interested to know that our staff changes but little, and that we expect it will be unnecessary to increase it upon moving to the new building.
The schedule of Lesson-Sermons for the Christian Science Quarterly for the current year requires an extra lesson in the October-December issue because there are fifty-three Sundays in the year rather than the usual fifty-two.
with contributions from Louis F. McLaren, Elnora Beasley Pegues, Mattie B. Hofer, John F. Waddington, George A. Burgess, Henry Aaron Williams, Russell E. Ackerman, Mary W. Banister
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, at least four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, at least five weeks before; in other European countries, at least eight weeks before.
As trees reach upward silently to meet the skies,So let my holy aspirations rise,That I may find my selfhood true at one with Thee;And keep my thoughts, dear Love divine, as freeAs "birds, that soar and sing;"*So shalt Thou give me strength to loose the bondsOf sense that seem to clingTo human consciousness.
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with contributions from Louis F. McLaren, Elnora Beasley Pegues, Mattie B. Hofer, John F. Waddington, George A. Burgess, Henry Aaron Williams, Russell E. Ackerman, Mary W. Banister