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"As we forgive"
According to Matthew's Gospel, Jesus "went up into a mountain" and taught. There on a hillside he preached a simple, stately sermon endued with the divine truth he spent all his time in demonstrating. The Master gave his hearers the Beatitudes, showing the blessedness of righteous thinking, urged upon them counsel for purer living, and then said, "After this manner therefore pray ye;" and he taught them what is known as the Lord's Prayer.
Among Jesus' disciples were many types of character; yet he gave to all the same prayer. And today men of differing character find all needs for spiritual growth and unfoldment met in this simple prayer. For everyone there is the selfless acknowledgment, "Hallowed be thy name." For all who are tossed to and fro between impatient denial and fervent acceptance there are the earnest words, "Thy will be done." For everyone, fearful for the morrow, doubtful of Love's presence, there is the trusting appeal, "Give us this day our daily bread." And the humble, gentle, and patient ones pray in the secret places of consciousness, "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."
"As we forgive"! How vast a wealth of instruction is contained in the word "as," indicating the readiness, manner, and degree, the fullness, of perfect forgiveness! "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors"! Here is indicated a human footstep to be taken before we can expect forgiveness from God and from our fellow men. Can we, if we have honesty of desire, ask to have our debts canceled while holding bitterly to a belief about another's debt to us? Sincerity underlies and accompanies all spiritual attainments. A person who humbly asks forgiveness desires that it shall come instantly to bind up his repentant heart. Then let us all be joyfully swift to bestow our forgiving love on another—not with the thought of its being necessary to the gaining of our own forgiveness, but only for the sweet triumph of proving the love of God in our own thought.
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March 25, 1933 issue
View Issue-
Mental Significance of Prohibition
Calmness and Strength
"The beauty of holiness"
Individuality and Activity
"As we forgive"
A contributor in your issue of July 21 made observations...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Recently the Bergen Evening Record published what...
William K. Kitchen, Committee on Publication for the State of New Jersey,
In your issue of July 26 you reported a resume of a sermon...
Richard O. Shimer, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
Assuming your correspondent, who writes under a pseudonym...
Alfred Johnson, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
It is scarcely possible for an opponent of Christian Science...
H. Ernest Vincent, former Committee on Publication for Natal, South Africa,
Our Lectures—An Appreciation
with contributions from Phillips Brooks
Overcoming the Resistance of the World
Duncan Sinclair
"To this end"
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Alice L. Howard, Isabella MacLean, Ralph H. McCahan, Effa E. Hess
We are told in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
E. Marguerite Allen
I wish to express heartfelt thanks for the many blessings...
Caroline Bekker
Having received so much good through Christian Science...
Edna M. Hensel with contributions from Laurence Hensel
In Revelation we read, "And God shall wipe away all...
Maud Snow Thayer
Before taking up the study of Christian Science about...
Fannie Gray Gilder
One healing through Christian Science for which I am...
Adrian Norden Hanover
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Edward N. Spirer, W. B. Selbie, Correspondent, Albert S. Thomas