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A friend advised me to try Christian Science for a member...
A friend advised me to try Christian Science for a member of my family and recommended the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I obtained a copy of this textbook of Christian Science and endeavored to study it with the healing of this individual in view. The effort was spasmodic and I seemed to progress very little, but the truth I absorbed in reading was enough to destroy in some degree my faith in the use of material means for healing disease. The happiness and cheer of the Christian Scientists with whom I came in contact convinced me that this religion must be a practical and useful one when it was radically relied upon, and I finally decided to stop the haphazard method I was then using and to do what was necessary to understand and use Christian Science with the same results others seemed to get. I joined The Mother Church and a branch church, and took class instruction in Christian Science. After becoming a member of a branch church I had the opportunity of serving in organization work, which I gladly accepted. Each branch of church work benefited me. Serving as usher brought the true understanding of welcome and hospitality, and developed a kindly interest in the welfare of those who were looking for the truth about God as taught in Christian Science. The work on committees pertaining to The Christian Science Monitor resulted in a higher idea of business, a cleaner sense of humor. It would be impossible to tell half of the benefits resulting from this church work. I can indicate only a few of the changes of thought which resulted in physical as well as mental healing. At the time of my decision to give Christian Science a fair trial, I smoked incessantly, drank occasionally, and was very nervous and irritable. These disagreeable habits left me during this period. My health improved, and I gained over thirty pounds in weight.
The branch church of which I was a member elected me to the office of Second Reader. This step seemed far in advance of my understanding, but I decided to "go forward" as the children of Israel did in the time of Moses. At first there seemed to be a number of problems to be worked out at once, but this pressing thought was overcome with the help of a practitioner, and the work progressed in an orderly manner by taking up each problem in turn and by not being disturbed by thoughts which could not be handled at the time. One by one these obstacles were overcome, and as the sense of confusion disappeared the work as Second Reader seemed the natural, normal road for me to follow. During this period of progress I read Science and Health assiduously, and the good I stored up replaced a false sense of mortal consciousness. Hate, lust, suspicion, and so on, yielded to purity and confidence in God and in my fellow man. I began to see the possibility of salvation from sin and sickness, here and now, through the understanding and demonstration of Christian Science.
I have heard people say, "All that I am, all that I have, I owe to Christian Science." I wondered at such a broad statement some time ago, but I do not wonder now. Almost any experienced Scientist would say the same thing without hesitation. In the same breath he would also express gratitude to our beloved Leader, who discovered the way Jesus taught at the dawn of the Christian era. Mrs. Eddy has done everything necessary to reveal the truth of being. The Mother Church, The Christian Science Publishing Society, every established arm of the Christian Science movement, was inaugurated by her, and it is our duty and privilege to serve this organization when the opportunity presents itself. We can demonstrate perfection in the Christian Science organization, and there is no better way of showing our gratitude for the blessing Christian Science brings to us.
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March 25, 1933 issue
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Mental Significance of Prohibition
Calmness and Strength
"The beauty of holiness"
Individuality and Activity
"As we forgive"
A contributor in your issue of July 21 made observations...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Recently the Bergen Evening Record published what...
William K. Kitchen, Committee on Publication for the State of New Jersey,
In your issue of July 26 you reported a resume of a sermon...
Richard O. Shimer, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
Assuming your correspondent, who writes under a pseudonym...
Alfred Johnson, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
It is scarcely possible for an opponent of Christian Science...
H. Ernest Vincent, former Committee on Publication for Natal, South Africa,
Our Lectures—An Appreciation
with contributions from Phillips Brooks
Overcoming the Resistance of the World
Duncan Sinclair
"To this end"
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Alice L. Howard, Isabella MacLean, Ralph H. McCahan, Effa E. Hess
We are told in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
E. Marguerite Allen
I wish to express heartfelt thanks for the many blessings...
Caroline Bekker
Having received so much good through Christian Science...
Edna M. Hensel with contributions from Laurence Hensel
In Revelation we read, "And God shall wipe away all...
Maud Snow Thayer
Before taking up the study of Christian Science about...
Fannie Gray Gilder
One healing through Christian Science for which I am...
Adrian Norden Hanover
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Edward N. Spirer, W. B. Selbie, Correspondent, Albert S. Thomas