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I was led to investigate the healing power of Christian Science...
I was led to investigate the healing power of Christian Science at a time when it seemed as though all material means of happiness, health, and supply were slipping away. Christian Science has given me joy, peace, health, and, in a very great measure, supply. Throughout the succeeding years the blessings and healings have continued to come not only to me, but to other members of my family; and I feel I cannot longer delay expressing sincere gratitude. Within the past three years I have experienced a number of remarkable healings for which I give Christian Science all the credit. A painful condition of fallen arches was healed within a few days when the practitioner pointed out to me that God, divine Mind, is my support rather than strongly built shoes. The healing was so complete that it entirely wiped out my fixed belief that I could wear only certain styles of shoes.
In the midst of material preparation at a holiday time, I awakened one morning with little if any sensation in the lower half of my body. The limbs were so numb that it was unsafe to stand upon them without support. Fear was intense. Help was asked for and immediately given by a faithful practitioner. Also, a Christian Science student came to stay with me in the home for as long as she was needed. As we all continued to pray and rejoice, the fear began to lift and the healing to come. So thoroughly was the work done that neighbors and friends did not manifest any curiosity. Within the month I was able to walk to the church services. No trace of this erroneous condition remains. I learned from this experience that spiritual work at holiday time, and at all other times, is of much greater importance than any material preparation.
Over a year ago, after prayerful and persistent effort to understand a sentence from a Christian Science lecture which stated that "man is the expression of God," I gained such a clear realization of the truth of this statement that I was instantly healed of an embarrassing and annoying physical condition of some twenty years' standing.
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October 21, 1933 issue
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Unity of Men and Nations
Writing for Our Periodicals
God's Bountiful Supply
"My path in life is free"
Effective Prayer that Leads to Demonstration
The words of wisdom Jesus spoke two thousand years ago...
Dorothy Oakley Hagedorn
Christian Scientists believe that the master Christian...
H. Clay Parker, Committee on Publication for the State of Arizona,
A correspondent under the signature of BM/DE6, in...
Miss Alice E. Rose, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
An article was published in a recent issue of your paper...
W. Archibald Wallace, Committee on Publication for the State of West Virginia,
In your issue of April 4 there appeared a letter containing...
Cyril G. Davies, Committee on Publication for the Transvaal, South Africa,
The notion that Christian Science is but a system of...
Extracts from an Address given by Alfred Johnson, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England, to the Brunswick Young Men's Fellowship,
Silencing Evil Suggestions
Duncan Sinclair
Good Reports
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from David J. Brumbaugh, Nancy H. Adams, Alice E. Byrne, John L. Mothershead
The healing of my eldest son of stammering is one of the...
Allie M. Smith
Sincere gratitude impels me to tell of a healing through...
Diedrich Strohrmann with contributions from Adelheit Strohrmann
Today Christian Scientists are given greater opportunity...
Lillian T. Backus
I was led to investigate the healing power of Christian Science...
Myrtle E. Holmes with contributions from Fred L. Holmes
Christian Science came to me, just as it has to many...
Johan A. E. Rikkert
In gratitude for the understanding of God that is gained...
Gladys M. Kilmer with contributions from Dorothy E. Kilmer
The Love of God
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Correspondent, Norma M. McGarry