Among the Churches

Current Notes

West Australian

Perth, Western Australia (First Church).—A Sunday school building for First Church of Christ, Scientist, which will cost over five thousand pounds, is being erected on a portion of the old high school site in George Street, Perth.

The edifice will cover an area of one hundred and thirteen feet by forty-six feet. The entrance hall will be seven feet wide with cloak rooms on either side. The school will be eighty feet by forty feet, spanned by exposed wrought karri queen post principals. The walls will be eighteen feet high, and the ceiling lining will be carried up the slope of the roofing timbers, intersecting with the central flat ceiling at a height of twenty-five feet, six inches. At the east end will be a platform, two porches, and the Readers' rooms.

The George Street front will have a gray Mahogany Creek fine axed granite base and steps, and ten circular columns and entablature of the Ionic order, with door and window heads and window sills of carved Donnybrook stone, which will also be featured in the main gable, the side elevations, and the south porchway. Harmonious contrast will be obtained with rich red brickwork and chocolate terra cotta roofing tiles.—West Australian.

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Admission to The Mother Church
October 21, 1933

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