Christian Science came to me, just as it has to many...

Christian Science came to me, just as it has to many others, at a very difficult time. My wife was suffering from severe anæmia, while our elder daughter was an extremely nervous child. Both were in such a condition that according to the doctor an immediate departure to Europe seemed the only course for a return to health. In addition to this a third child was to be born, and the doctor was of the opinion that on account of my wife's condition things would not turn out well unless she left for Europe. He then signed a certificate showing the necessity of obtaining passage on one of the first outgoing boats.

Christian Science was then brought to our notice by friends, and as the proposed parting had seemed dreadful to us, we gratefully received the offered help. And, behold, before long not only was the anæmia overcome, but also the birth of our third child took place in complete harmony. This was over ten years ago, and since then we have realized health and harmony. We have had wonderful experience during that time. For instance, a broken wrist was healed completely through Christian Science treatment. Blood poisoning, which had spread from the foot to the knee, was soon overcome.

What an enormous influence Christian Science has upon our lives! In the beginning I studied the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, diligently, but through trying too much to understand the letter instead of the spirit, I did not seem to progress, and this worried me. I wanted to see results too soon, tangible results, but these did not materialize. Now I see that the change must first take place in our thinking; that we must be receptive to the truth before being able to advance in the understanding of spiritual man and his relationship to God, and thus realize healing.

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October 21, 1933

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