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An article was published in a recent issue of your paper...
An article was published in a recent issue of your paper under the heading "How the mind hinders or aids recovery." The article included the following statement: "Mental suggestions undoubtedly play a part in the cure through any method of treatment used." It also referred to "a suggestion from a divine healer" as being an aid in healing. This letter is written in order that your readers may not confuse this practice with Christian Science.
Mental suggestion or hypnotism is the exercise of the human will, and is based on the belief that there are minds many which are supposed to exert an influence on other so-called minds for either good or evil. Paul said, "To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace;" also, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." Neither mental suggestion nor hypnotism enters into the practice of Christian Science, which is the one purely spiritual method of healing. Christian Science teaches that God, divine Love, is the only Mind, and that the real man is the image and likeness, the reflection, of infinite Mind. It is through the understanding and application of this great truth that Christian Science healing is accomplished.
On page 375 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, has written: "The Christian Scientist demonstrates that divine Mind heals, while the hypnotist dispossess the patient of his individuality in order to control him. No person is benefited by yielding his mentality to any mental despotism or malpractice." "The genuine Christian Scientist is adding to his patient's mental and moral power, and is increasing his patient's spirituality while restoring him physically through divine Love."
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October 21, 1933 issue
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Unity of Men and Nations
Writing for Our Periodicals
God's Bountiful Supply
"My path in life is free"
Effective Prayer that Leads to Demonstration
The words of wisdom Jesus spoke two thousand years ago...
Dorothy Oakley Hagedorn
Christian Scientists believe that the master Christian...
H. Clay Parker, Committee on Publication for the State of Arizona,
A correspondent under the signature of BM/DE6, in...
Miss Alice E. Rose, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
An article was published in a recent issue of your paper...
W. Archibald Wallace, Committee on Publication for the State of West Virginia,
In your issue of April 4 there appeared a letter containing...
Cyril G. Davies, Committee on Publication for the Transvaal, South Africa,
The notion that Christian Science is but a system of...
Extracts from an Address given by Alfred Johnson, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England, to the Brunswick Young Men's Fellowship,
Silencing Evil Suggestions
Duncan Sinclair
Good Reports
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from David J. Brumbaugh, Nancy H. Adams, Alice E. Byrne, John L. Mothershead
The healing of my eldest son of stammering is one of the...
Allie M. Smith
Sincere gratitude impels me to tell of a healing through...
Diedrich Strohrmann with contributions from Adelheit Strohrmann
Today Christian Scientists are given greater opportunity...
Lillian T. Backus
I was led to investigate the healing power of Christian Science...
Myrtle E. Holmes with contributions from Fred L. Holmes
Christian Science came to me, just as it has to many...
Johan A. E. Rikkert
In gratitude for the understanding of God that is gained...
Gladys M. Kilmer with contributions from Dorothy E. Kilmer
The Love of God
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Correspondent, Norma M. McGarry