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Items of Interest
The much-trenched Norway Street is now receiving perhaps its final trenching in connection with the building of the new Publishing House; it is being prepared to receive the new steam line connecting with the Edison Company's main line from their Kneeland Street plant; also the new conduit for electrical current to the substation located in the basement of the new Publishing House, where the hightension voltage of 13,800 will be reduced to usable voltage. Already the electrical apparatus for the substation is coming in and is being erected. Fans and motors and elevator machinery are arriving; and that which is to be located in the penthouse or fifth story, of Section "B" has been raised by derricks on the roof to its permanent position.
One walking around the Publishing House recently would see Clearway Street lined with limestone blocks, some of which were being raised to construct the parapet around the roof of Section "B"; steel beams bundled like giant matches in eights or tens raised by derricks to the upper stories of Section "A," as well as the fans and motors just mentioned, hoisted to the roof as easily as toys. The limestone facing of Section "B" is almost completed. As we write, the inscription fronting Norway Street opposite the Church Edifices is being placed and reads: "The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. Psalms LXVIII: 11."
As already stated in this column, two gangs of steel erectors are at work, and three or four gangs of riveters are riveting the steel on the upper floors. About ten days before this item reaches its readers it is expected that the steel in Section "A" will have reached the top or tenth — penthouse — story, and the flag will have been hoisted, upon its completion, in accordance with the custom of the erectors. Already the concrete floor in Section "A" is being constructed on the ground level, and the constructors expect to place, on an average, one concrete floor a week in this section. These floors are made up of terra cotta hollow tiles spaced a few inches apart. Between them is woven a network of reenforcing steel rods sufficient to bear the weight required. Over the tile and rods is poured the concrete, making a homogeneous structure.
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September 24, 1932 issue
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A Heavenlike Home
Jesus Our Great Exemplar
Thoughts on the Lesson-Sermon
Depression Cannot Retard Unfoldment
Right Judgment
Resisting Evil
In your issue of March 19, an article mistakenly implied...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Through your courtesy I wish to correct some of the misrepresentations...
Mrs. Mary S. Cowan, Committee on Publication for the State of South Carolina,
Both you and "F. B." comment on the statement embraced...
Hugh McTaggart, former Committee on Publication for Leicestershire, England,
In a recent address which was delivered in your city on...
Joseph G. Alden, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
Christian Science teaches its followers that the kingdom of...
Arthur F. Follett, C. S., in an Address to Chiropractors, Whittier, California (under the auspices of the Committee on Publication for Southern California)
The Mind of Christ
Fear Not!
Duncan Sinclair
No Retrograde Step
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Annie L. M. Atkinson, George C. Ewing, Belle W. Busey
I consider it a great privilege to be able to testify to...
Clarice A. M. Neville
For a number of years before coming into Christian Science...
Royel C. Redlich
It is a privilege to tell others of the healings which I...
Elizabeth McAdam Manley
When I first heard of Christian Science I bought the...
Marion Alice Bowers
I am giving this testimony of healing received through...
Paul E. Sellers with contributions from Ruth E. Sellers
I am truly grateful for Christian Science and for all that...
Elva M. Brown with contributions from Manuel Brown
I desire to give an expression of gratitude for the many...
Laura Gillespie
Some time ago, on a Sunday, my seven-year-old boy...
Johanna Welker
For more than twenty years I have depended upon the...
Aldamar P. Elder
Signs of the Times
with contributions from John McDowell, Correspondent, Ernest H. Jeffs