Years ago a member of our family was helped through...

Years ago a member of our family was helped through the loving ministrations of Christian Science practitioners. No member of our family up to this time had any knowledge of Christian Science. At the time I was attending school in another city, and consequently did not then become interested in Christian Science. But the seed of Truth had been sown, and several years later, when my husband's profession caused us to be located in another town, it was our good fortune to occupy part of the home of a dear lady who was, and is, a beautiful example of the truth lived and demonstrated. It seemed to us marvelous that a woman of her years could be physically and mentally so active, and so imbued with peace and joy. For some time I had felt an unrest, which I now realize was a need for spiritual food. I had been a member of an orthodox church since childhood, but I felt the need of something more. So when this dear lady offered me the use of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, I gratefully accepted; and what spiritual uplifting I experienced as I began to read! It all seemed so logical and so true that I knew I had at last found something I could never part with. And my husband and I are agreed that we can, if necessary, part with everything else in the world, but must always keep this one "pearl of great price."

We have had beautiful healings of bad colds, tonsillitis, earache, indigestion, neuritis, constipation, headaches, acute appendicitis in an advanced stage, and influenza. Most of these healings were accomplished with the loving aid of a practitioner, but we have made many demonstrations for ourselves. My husband and I have both laid aside glasses and have not felt the need of them for the past eleven years. A mole was removed from my cheek by my knowing that "a spiritual idea has not a single element of error, and this truth removes properly whatever is offensive" (Science and Health, p. 463). We have made several demonstrations for our pet fox terrier. In fact, Christian Science has helped us in all our problems, physical, mental, moral, and financial; and it has made me more tolerant of my fellow beings.

To say that we are grateful is expressing it mildly. We are members of The Mother Church and of a branch church, where we have been privileged to help in both church and Sunday school work. I am grateful to Mrs. Eddy for giving us this beautiful and practical religion, and to all the dear friends who have helped me gain in some degree an understanding of it; and I am also grateful for class instruction, and for those messengers of Truth, the Christian Science periodicals. My earnest desire is to help others to see the light.—(Mrs.)Florence B. Nixon, Bridgeport, Ohio.

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At Sunrise—Easter Day
March 26, 1932

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