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Over seventeen years ago I had my first healing in Christian Science...
Over seventeen years ago I had my first healing in Christian Science. I had been very ill for over five months and had been in two hospitals. Finally the doctors decided on an operation; but after making an incision and saying the trouble was cancer, they went no farther and said they could do no more. They told my husband that I had only a short time to live. But very soon after this we were led, through friends, to try Christian Science. With the first visit of the practitioner I was greatly helped; my fear of food was overcome, and in a very short time I was completely healed. I have never had a return of the trouble.
In the years which have followed we have had many glorious proofs of the correctness of the teaching set forth in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. God has been our only physician and an ever present help in all our troubles. Our two sons were quite small when we started to study Christian Science, and now they are young men. The truth has been a wonderful help in bringing them safely through sicknesses and troubles.
I am deeply grateful to God for Christ Jesus, our blessed Way-shower, and for Mary Baker Eddy, our beloved Leader, who has again shown us this living way. My gratitude is unbounded for the loving practitioners who are so steadfast in the truth and are always so ready and willing to help, to heal, and to encourage us. I am grateful for The Mother Church and all its activities. I should like to say also that Christian Science has helped us solve many financial problems, and is teaching us to look to God alone for our place, our work, and our supply.—(Mrs.) Frances Kathryn Plank, Pasadena, California.
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May 9, 1931 issue
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"I shall not want"
Correct Perception
Our "Daily Prayer"
What Is in Thine House?
Work in the Sunday School
God's Day
"The smile of the Great Spirit"
My Father's Voice
It is quite evident that "Watchman," in criticizing a lecture...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
According to Christian Science, God is Mind; He is not...
John Murray Burriss, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
A letter with the title "Amused and Grieved," and signed...
Arthur G. Lothgren, Committee on Publication for the province of British Columbia
In yesterday's Scotsman appeared a report of a sermon...
Miss E. Mary Ramsay, Committee on Publication for Midlothian, Scotland,
Clifford P. Smith
The Omnipotence of God
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Olga G. Sheridan, John Ralph Griffith, Henry C. Fisher, William John Tremaine
I love to look back to my first healing in Christian Science
Agnes Elvira Wallin
Words alone cannot express my gratitude to God; to...
Clarence A. Burgner
From early childhood I was thought to be anæmic, and...
Adeline E. Firth
I shall never forget my first healing in Christian Science
Lydia G. Webster
I should like to express gratitude for the blessings which...
Laura Jane Pelham
I was reared in a Christian Science home, and my earliest...
Besse E. Hodge
I wish to express my gratitude to God for having sent...
Hariclée Stéphanopoulo-Aléxandridi
Over seventeen years ago I had my first healing in Christian Science...
Frances Kathryn Plank
I did not come into Christian Science through any...
Ernest Henderson Clark
It is indeed a joyful privilege to contribute a testimony...
Judith C. Woodward
The Reading Room
Signs of the Times
with contributions from E. L. Allen, Stanley High, H. D. Ranns, John Masefield, Grove Patterson, T. R. Ludlow, Floyd W. Tomkins