Contrary to the opinion recently expressed by an eminent...

Shelbyville Democrat

Contrary to the opinion recently expressed by an eminent physician in a published article in your paper, Christian Science seeks for definite causes of human misery and attacks them. It teaches, however, that all such causes are mental, not physical, and that the philosophy of Christ Jesus, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free," is the soundest method of attack. Jesus keenly discerned the cause of each discord. On one occasion he said: "Go, and sin no more." No matter what the difficulty or what the cause, nothing was incurable to him. Whenever he found a receptive sufferer he demonstrated the operation of the divine law that brought instantaneous cure, and that law was the law of Truth.

Without the understanding of spiritual man as the son of God, perfect, Jesus could have done none of his mighty works of healing. So, while Christian Science denies the testimony of discord as presented by the physical senses, from the standpoint of the basic truth of perfect God and perfect man, it does not attempt to heal by any process of mere negation or by any process of suggestion or autosuggestion, as might be erroneously inferred from the statement of this physician. Its healings result to-day because it is the rediscovery of the same divine law so supremely understood and practiced by Christ Jesus. On page 275 of its textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," its author, Mary Baker Eddy, says: "Truth, spiritually discerned, is scientifically understood. It casts out error and heals the sick."

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