Christ Jesus
assured humanity that the natural result of desiring and attaining spirituality, thereby making it of prime importance, is an abundance of supply and of protection.
the hills and plains of Galilee and by the beautiful Galilean sea, sparkling in the sunlight, the greatest physician the world has ever known healed suffering humanity of multitudinous ills of the flesh.
through the night he prayed,Wrapped in the thick darknessAnd density of fear;Prayed to be deliveredFrom gnawing pain and lack,Beseeching the God of loveAnd infinite compassion.
Conrad Bernhard, Jr., Committee on Publication for the State of Maryland,
In reporting a hearing before the Hygiene Committee of the House of Delegates at Annapolis, in a recent issue of the Sun, you said that a certain Health Commissioner, in speaking against the "Christian Science" bill, said that "practitioners in the city never reported communicable diseases, and in two instances did not report deaths because they could not diagnose them.
Frank C. Ayres, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
Contrary to the opinion recently expressed by an eminent physician in a published article in your paper, Christian Science seeks for definite causes of human misery and attacks them.
Gordon V. Comer, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
A letter from one of your readers, appearing in your issue of August 30, mentions Christian Science and his thought about nonreligious cults which appear to-day and are gone to-morrow, and which teach vague metaphysics.
George E. Martin, Committee on Publication for Victoria, Australia,
There are so many excellent points in the address of the Moderator of your great denomination, such as where he points out that "the general habit of our thinking is materialistic," that I was surprised to find a reference to Christian Science which is not in accordance with facts.
The two Christian Science churches in Lexington, Kentucky, recently came to the conclusion that their union in one church under the name of First Church of Christ, Scientist, would greatly strengthen their endeavors and advance their progress, and they have accordingly consolidated.
Testimonies of healings brought about at authorized lectures on Christian Science will be published in The Christian Science Journal or the Christian Science Sentinel, when verified as are other testimonies appearing in the periodicals.
Christian Science has wrought so complete a change in my life and outlook, bringing happiness and joyful expectancy in the place of darkness and despair, that for this alone, apart from numerous other blessings, I am inexpressibly grateful.
Having been born into a Christian Science home and brought up under the loving guidance of the Christian Science Sunday School, I cannot help but feel that my greatest cause for thankfulness is the beautiful freedom which Christian Science gives one from wrong thinking of all kinds.
Christian Science has healed me of many fears and troubles such as colds, sick headaches, which were considered an inheritance, and burns, and is also healing me of selfpity, restlessness, discontent, and loneliness.
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