There are so many excellent points in the address of the...

Presbyterian Messenger

There are so many excellent points in the address of the Moderator of your great denomination, such as where he points out that "the general habit of our thinking is materialistic," that I was surprised to find a reference to Christian Science which is not in accordance with facts. I therefore request space in your columns to clear away any false impression these misstatements may leave, and do so to "preach the great certainties of our faith," as the Moderator advises in your issue of September 14.

Christian Science has nothing to do with material philosophy. It is a definite, systematic, and demonstrable statement of the truth about God, man, and the universe, which truth results in the healing of sickness and all other discordant conditions.

Christian Science has no connection with theosophy or pantheism. Referring to the latter, Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes in her work "No and Yes" (p. 15): "Christian Science refutes pantheism, finds Spirit neither in matter nor in the modes of mortal mind. It shows that matter and mortal mind have neither origin nor existence in the eternal Mind. Thinking otherwise is what estranges mortals from divine Life and Love."

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