From early childhood I had never known what it was to...

From early childhood I had never known what it was to be happy and well, and when Christian Science was suggested to me I was in a very poor way indeed, both mentally and physically. At the very first attempt to read the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, I experienced a great sense of uplift and joy. That very day I discarded all medicine, of which I had a large and varied assortment; and it was at that time I experienced my first physical healing in Christian Science of a form of kidney trouble which had caused me great distress from birth. Since then I have had many proofs in my daily life, in different forms, of the protecting and healing power of Christian Science. Faults of character and disposition and a great sense of fear are yielding as I realize better man's unity with God, and strive for that Mind which was in Christ Jesus. For one such healing I am especially grateful to God, and to loving friends. This difficulty had caused myself and others much suffering for over twelve years.

Naturally, the striving to put off materiality and to spiritualize thought has brought better health and happiness; chronic headaches, painful feet, a terrible sense of loneliness, and severe bodily weakness, amounting sometimes to prostration, have all dropped away; and I am also glad to say I am able to express more love and patience, which is a source of joy in itself, as formerly I seemed quite incapable of this. I also owe a debt of gratitude to all the practitioners who have so kindly helped me to apply the truth more correctly. I have greatly enjoyed membership in an active branch church, and have had the great privilege of being admitted as a member of The Mother Church.—

(Miss) ESTHER ECCLES, Timperley, Cheshire, England.

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Testimony of Healing
For many years I have been a student of Christian Science,...
November 19, 1927

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