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Pursuing Peace
While the writer was listening to a reading from the Psalms, the phrase, "Seek peace, and pursue it," suddenly seemed to stand out with challenging emphasis. How could peace, a condition of calmness and serenity, be attained by active pursuit? The tired one who longs for peace imagines it to consist of physical rest or quiet, sleep, freedom from responsibilities, cessation of mental and physical activity. These very conditions, however, when forced upon one soon pall, representing as they do the worst sort of prison life, release from which alone can bring again a peaceful mental state. They depend on the whims of human belief, and do not satisfy. They are suffocation in materiality, that which Mrs. Eddy refers to in her poem, "Feed My Sheep" (Poems, p. 14), when she declares, "Thou wilt ... break earth's stupid rest." A patient needing treatment for insomnia might need right awakening. Activity of the right sort is essential to the attainment of real peace.
Jesus the Christ, the Prince of Peace himself, declared, "I came not to send peace, but a sword." Here is a paradox consistent with that of pursuing peace—war admitted by the advocate of peace! We have all been touched by human warfare, and we know that in itself it is far, very far, from being a good or desirable state; but as an expedient mankind may believe itself impelled to employ it in defense of righteousness. To say the least, this is a clumsy effort at discernment between good and evil; but it may be a mortal's best effort according to his light.
When Jesus recommended the sword, he used a metaphor drawn from mortal experience to illustrate a spiritual method. Mrs. Eddy says in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 118): "Be of good cheer; the warfare with one's self is grand; it gives one plenty of employment, and the divine Principle worketh with you,—and obedience crowns persistent effort with everlasting victory." When the individual consciously musters all his spiritual forces, all his understanding of God's providence for man, and actively arrays this host against the suggestion of the enemy, the temptations of inertia, weakness, physical indulgence, limitation, confusion, and the like, the conflict is a decisive one. "One on God's side is a majority;" the peaceful sense of work well done is won, and harmony is realized. As children of God, our capacity for progress is unlimited. The overcoming of each would-be assailant brings us into a better position to discern and destroy other more subtle errors. Thus we grow, and each achievement attained brings its own measure of assurance, confidence, and peace.
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August 16, 1924 issue
View Issue-
Rebuke and Explanation
The Christian Science Heralds
Church Building
The Place of Christian Science in Education
Pursuing Peace
Spiritual Maintenance
The Voice of God
The Abiding Place
A person acquainted with the teaching of Christian Science...
W. Truman Green, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
The attitude of Christian Scientists toward the law and...
Douglas L. Edmonds, Commitee on Publication for Southern California,
Under the heading, "Olla Podrida," you published a review...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Commitee on Publication for the State of Illinois
The editorial printed in your issue of December 13,...
Harry K. Filler, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
Under the heading, "What's Wrong with the World?"...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from S. Aimée Kern, William Penn
All-inclusive Love
Albert F. Gilmore
Duncan Sinclair
Overcoming Fear of Separation
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Claude A. Carr, Arthur Wilson Eckman, Lutie W. Prutsman, Arthur J. L. Gillard, Lottie Faust, Isobel R. Emerson, Dallas G. M. Bernard, Marshall Stimson
About twelve years ago Christian Science was brought...
Anna Elizabeth Verleger
Christian Science has entirely changed my outlook on...
Catherine Reid Dick
It is certainly a great blessing to know even a very little...
Grace Bromfield Haver
I feel it a privilege as well as a duty to offer my full...
Homer W. Clark
I did not come to Christian Science for physical healing,...
Peryle H. Vallmer
In the early part of 1907, I attended my first lecture on...
Anna Eliza Miller
The following wonderful experiences of unfoldment...
Charlotte Martin
To say that I am thankful very faintly expresses my...
Margaret Printup
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Henry Ford, Marguerite Wilkinson, David Englund, R. S. Loring, William Farwell
with contributions from Trustees Under The Will Of Mary Baker Eddy