The editorial printed in your issue of December 13,...

The editorial printed in your issue of December 13, from the Catholic World, captioned "Revival of Paganism," has grossly misrepresented Christian Science, and as an authoritative writer on this subject I kindly ask for space to make a brief reply.

Your writer quotes as follows: "The official manual of the sect, Science and Health, inculcates neither prayer nor worship of God." The first chapter of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," written by Mrs. Eddy, is entitled "Prayer." This chapter completely refutes the statement quoted, and the first paragraph of this chapter reads as follows: "The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God,—a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love. Regardless of what another may say or think on this subject, I speak from experience. Prayer, watching, and working, combined with self-immolation, are God's gracious means for accomplishing whatever has been successfully done for the Christianization and health of mankind."

The opinion expressed by the writer of this article, that Christian Science is not a religion, is wholly due to his misapprehension both of the divine Principle and practice of Christian Science. Any one who is earnest enough to do so can prove for himself by actual demonstration that Christian Science is a religion. Without the understanding that makes demonstration possible, one could not be capable of impartial or correct criticism. Christian Scientists, indeed, worship God "in spirit and in truth." Thought and desire must be consecrated to good if we would be Christian Scientists. We must show our faith by our works. To be a Christian Scientist one must love everybody (a Christian Scientist would never write in criticism of a Catholic brother or of his religion). We are required to strive continually for that Mind to be in us "which was also in Christ Jesus." We can be Christian Scientists only as we give up our pleasure in sin and become spiritually-minded. Christian Science teaches that God is understandable and that He is applicable to our every human need.

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August 16, 1924

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