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[Original testimony in German]
In March, 1917, I suddenly became very ill
In March, 1917, I suddenly became very ill. My condition was so serious that doubt was expressed as to my recovery. I suffered from hemorrhages of the lungs, pleurisy, and badly shattered nerves. A doctor was at once called. However, in spite of loving and painstaking care, he was not able to help me. I was confined to my bed; in fact, was so weak and miserable that I could not even sit up. As soon as I closed my eyes I had the feeling of being in a deep and narrow pit. I could hardly stand it. I was unable to sleep, and was in a pitiful condition. After a few days a second doctor was called. On leaving the house, he was unable to hold out to my family any hope for my recovery. I could not take any nourishment, although everything was prepared and cooked with the greatest care. Such was the extremity in which I found myself when one night Christian Science came to my thought. I had already heard of this teaching, especially of healings effected through its ministry. I had copies of Der Herold, but, thinking I could not understand Christian Science, I had not read them. I thought one had only to say, I am not sick! Of the method of spiritual healing I knew nothing.
That night I requested that a letter be written to a Christian Science practitioner whom I knew by name. I asked her to help me and give me treatments. At once I received the helpful reply that I should be confident and rejoice, for health and happiness were my heritage from God. Never shall I forget that moment; never shall I be able to be grateful enough for the love and patience which I received at the hands of that practitioner. My healing was slow; but I improved daily. After three or four months I was again able to work a little, and after six months I could do my usual work. I never had a relapse, and to-day I enjoy good health, peace, and happiness. I wish to add that in this sickness fear was the greatest evil which I had to overcome.
At the time of the so-called grippe epidemic we were all quickly healed through the application of the truth. Well do I remember how quickly and violently this disease came over me. I was in the office to receive orders. I was alone, and could hardly walk. When I went upstairs into my room to declare the truth again, I seemed to break down, for the whole body seemed diseased. I sat there for a few moments, realizing the power of God as the only existing power, and refuting all error. In a few minutes I was completely healed and filled with bliss, strength, and joy. How happy and grateful I was!
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June 14, 1924 issue
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Christian Science Satisfies
The Only Physician
Freedom from Error
"Except ye ... become as little children"
The Fellowship of Saints
Christian Science nowhere teaches that "there is no such...
Miss Florence B. Russell, Committee on Publication for Hampshire, England,
Christ Jesus declared, "My kingdom is not of this...
S. Britton R. Foster, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
Careful investigation of Christian Science will prove to...
Harry L. Rhodes, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
A sermon published in your paper has not properly...
Harry K. Filler, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
That Christian Science teaches "the intimate relationship...
W. Truman Green, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
Christian Science is not based on superstition; it is absolutely...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manger of Committee on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
"Those things that please him"
Albert F. Gilmore
The Right Place
Ella W. Hoag
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from C. Gilbert Rogers, Lloyd Church, Susan F. Wilcox, Harry Calvin, Emil Amandus Briner, Mattie A. Crooker, Mary E. Bovet
I cannot tell in one testimony all that the truth, as taught...
Agnes Ratcliffe
In the year 1910, through the advice of a Christian Scientist,...
Nathaniel B. Pratt
In March, 1917, I suddenly became very ill
Marie Mettler-Rufener
I should like to express in some small measure my...
Dewing Woodward
I was born in India, and have spent twenty-six years of...
Carralumbus Feilman
When Christian Science was brought into our home I...
Vera H. Simmons
I wish publicly to express my gratitude to God for His...
Ethel V. Stone
At Chicago, more than twenty years ago, I was healed...
Thomas B. Lee
For all the good that Christian Science has brought into...
Gertrude Bridges
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Ivan Melville Terwilliger, R. Bakewell-Green, John Stephens, J. M. Wilson, R. E. Welsh