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I cannot tell in one testimony all that the truth, as taught...
I cannot tell in one testimony all that the truth, as taught in Christian Science, has brought to my family and to me. It has indeed replaced with light the darkness of years. From early childhood I was troubled with my stomach; and before my marriage I had many attacks of its ulceration. After I becam a mother, the suffering from the stomach was terrible. To get relief from this I took laudanum for a period of three years, and then realized that I had acquired the drug habit. In addition to this, a very loose condition of the bowels had developed. During the next seven years I had treatment from five physicians, took four courses of treatment for the drug habit, besides going to a well-known surgical institution—without any favorable results. To say I was very much discouraged and felt self-condemned is to put it mildly. I seemed to be going through a veritable hell of torture in mind and body.
During a part of this time, owing to the difficulty I had in getting the drug, I resorted to a much advertised patent medicine to get the narcotic there was in it. On some days I would have to get from eight to twelve bottles a day to quiet the appetite. The heavy expense connected with this added more suffering to the experience I was already going through, as owing to poor crops we could not afford money for this purpose. At last my brother called on a physician from whom I had received three courses of the drug cure. He said he had done all he could do, and advised him to have me try Christian Science, much to my brother's surprise, as he was opposed to it. The physician remarked that the medical men often had to take off their hats to the Christian Science practitioners. My brother wrote that it would not harm me anyway; and I was glad to try anything that offered some hope of relief.
I then secured a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy and began treatment. I was helped by the work done and the talks with the practitioner; but again became discouraged, and went for five weeks to a "divine healer." As soon as I returned home, however, the appetite returned. I then went to another Christian Science practitioner; and through the patient, gentle work that was done I was kindly encouraged day after day, and helped above the constantly recurring attacks of fear, doubt, and discouragement. Owing to my previous association with medicine,—for I had had considerable nursing experience,—it seemed more difficult to grasp the teachings of Science. I am indeed grateful to be able to say that I have been entirely freed from the desire for the drug; and the trouble in both the stomach and the bowels has been overcome. I am now able to do all my own work in the home, as well as to help in the usual routine of work about a farmhouse. My friends and neighbors recognize that Christian Science has brought a wonderful healing to me. I am very grateful for the physical help, but the spiritual uplift that has come with it is grand and beautiful.
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June 14, 1924 issue
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Christian Science Satisfies
The Only Physician
Freedom from Error
"Except ye ... become as little children"
The Fellowship of Saints
Christian Science nowhere teaches that "there is no such...
Miss Florence B. Russell, Committee on Publication for Hampshire, England,
Christ Jesus declared, "My kingdom is not of this...
S. Britton R. Foster, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
Careful investigation of Christian Science will prove to...
Harry L. Rhodes, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
A sermon published in your paper has not properly...
Harry K. Filler, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
That Christian Science teaches "the intimate relationship...
W. Truman Green, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
Christian Science is not based on superstition; it is absolutely...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manger of Committee on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
"Those things that please him"
Albert F. Gilmore
The Right Place
Ella W. Hoag
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from C. Gilbert Rogers, Lloyd Church, Susan F. Wilcox, Harry Calvin, Emil Amandus Briner, Mattie A. Crooker, Mary E. Bovet
I cannot tell in one testimony all that the truth, as taught...
Agnes Ratcliffe
In the year 1910, through the advice of a Christian Scientist,...
Nathaniel B. Pratt
In March, 1917, I suddenly became very ill
Marie Mettler-Rufener
I should like to express in some small measure my...
Dewing Woodward
I was born in India, and have spent twenty-six years of...
Carralumbus Feilman
When Christian Science was brought into our home I...
Vera H. Simmons
I wish publicly to express my gratitude to God for His...
Ethel V. Stone
At Chicago, more than twenty years ago, I was healed...
Thomas B. Lee
For all the good that Christian Science has brought into...
Gertrude Bridges
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Ivan Melville Terwilliger, R. Bakewell-Green, John Stephens, J. M. Wilson, R. E. Welsh