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It is with sincere gratitude for the many blessings that...
It is with sincere gratitude for the many blessings that Christian Science has brought to me, that this testimony is given, hoping that it may reach some one who is needing help as much as I did nearly eight years ago.
From my early childhood I was considered very nervous. When the age of twenty was reached, I was a nervous wreck, taking medicine most of the time, but getting only temporary relief. I married at twenty-five years of age, and at the end of eighteen months became a mother. In the six years following, I never knew what it meant to be well. During the next two years I was confined to my bed most of the time. After treatments from eight different physicians, I passed through a surgical operation in which two organs were removed. A month after this was done I became worse than before. When we consulted the specialist who performed the operation, we were told that other organs would have to be removed. As I had great fear of another surgical experience, my husband's mother suggested that I try Christian Science. My husband took me to the home of a friend who had been healed in Christian Science, and who lived near a Christian Science practitioner. I remained with these friends a week, having treatment each day, and was greatly improved. During this time I was entirely healed of sick headache, liver trouble, indigestion, gastritis, kidney and bladder trouble, or cystitis, in a very acute form. It is eight years since this first healing, and since that time Christian Science has been my only remedy.
I own nearly all the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, and regard them as treasures of Truth. I am grateful for the Christian Science periodicals, and especially thankful for "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. During the last eight years colds, tonsillitis, blood poisoning, and acute congestion of the liver have been quickly met by the application of the truth as taught in Science and Health. My mother thought that I could not recover from the attack of congestion of the liver. My daughter has been healed of enlarged tonsils, adenoids, fevers, and other ailments common to children. She is now well and strong.
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March 17, 1923 issue
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Sunday School Work Viewed Through the Lens of Love
Sowing and Reaping
Firm Foundation
"Be ye thankful"
Our True Friends
Instead of leading men to destruction, Christian Science...
Miss Emily Johnson Jones, Committee on Publication for the State of North Carolina,
Christian Science is the Science of Life
Charles M. Shaw, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
If we accept the philosophy of Christianity to be the...
Longley Taylor, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
We have ample proof that the intricate problems of...
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
Christian Science is based wholly on the Scriptures, and...
Marie C. Hartman, Committee on Publication for Holland,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Mame A. Davis, Ida Gibb, Augusta R. Ailman, Vida Pedrick
"The pure in heart"
Albert F. Gilmore
God Supplies All Good
Duncan Sinclair
God Giveth the Increase
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from R. H. Milliken, T. A. Fawell, Mae Boxwell
For all the benefits I have received from Christian Science,...
Nannie B. Fleet
In the Preface of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Lillian A. Munson
I have had many benefits and cases of healing through...
Caddie V. Allen
I am very grateful to testify through the Christian Science...
Christabel M. Charlton
Father, Guide Me
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Will H. Hays