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In my youth I heard a great deal of ridicule of Christian Science,...
In my youth I heard a great deal of ridicule of Christian Science, and, after I was of age, a great deal of abuse of Mrs. Eddy. This, with the reading of a criticism of Christian Science and of Mrs. Eddy, formed the basis of my concept of Christian Science. One day I picked up a book in a public library, "The Life of Mary Baker Eddy" by Sibyl Wilbur. After much hesitation, I read the book, which interested me very much.
A year later, the complete mental, physical, and moral regeneration of a friend, through Christian Science, made a very deep impression on me. He talked to me of Christian Science, and I received many blessings from the talk; but my prejudice prevented my receiving more. At this time, I was so ashamed to let people know I was interested in Christian Science, from fear of being thought queer, that I went at night to get some literature from a free distribution rack. In a short time I dropped Christian Science; but a year later conditions became so discordant that I started again to read this same literature, which I had put away on a shelf. My hatred of Mrs. Eddy had become so great that when her name was mentioned I would throw the periodical across the room; but I always picked it up again and continued reading. In time this hatred was destroyed by divine Love; and love and gratitude took its place. A friend gave me a cup of cold water by explaining away many of my false concepts of Christian Science.
I could not see how matter could be unreal, as Christian Science teaches. One day I determined to settle this problem once and for all, however long it took me. No problem was ever so interesting to me as this one. How long I worked on it, I do not know; but I thought of little else, and would sometimes stay awake at night working on it. One day I awoke with a great peace of mind, something previously unknown to me. It seemed as if all the unhappiness I had ever known was gone. While I was walking down the street, it came to me, like a flash, that the great problem was solved. But how? Then I realized I had caught a glimpse beyond the unreality, matter, to the reality of spiritual existence. This was the "falling apple" for me. In a few days I purchased a Bible and a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and started to study them. The next Sunday I went to a Church of Christ, Scientist, to learn more of the truth. My journey since has been through many wildernesses.
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November 3, 1923 issue
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Church Building
"In Christian Science churches"
Finding God, Good
Go and Tell Thy Friends
The Fullness of God's Supply
"Know thyself"
Mrs. Eddy has proved, and enabled others to prove,...
S. Britton R. Foster, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
Throughout the Scriptures the nature of the practice of...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
Christian Science is built on foundations which none...
Miss Kate E. Andreae, Committee on Publication for the County of Sussex, England,
Christian Scientists radically differ with the thought that...
Augustus Long, Committee on Publication for the State of Nevada,
On page 468 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Miss Blanche Stievenard, Committee on Publication for Hertfordshire, England,
Christian Science is in no way similar to the theory and...
Charles W. Hale, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
Christian Science avers that it is through the life, words,...
Lester B. McCoun, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
Christian Science teaches that human will-power is not...
Harry K. Filler, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
The Way
Right Education
Albert F. Gilmore
"Trust in Truth"
Ella W. Hoag
The Omnipotence of Mind
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Frederick R. Rhodes, Henry Hodge, Winifred Leonard, Frank A. Hyde
Mere words will never be sufficient to tell the love and...
Hettie M. Thompson
About seven years ago I was in the very "slough of...
Claude B. Lawler
As a mother of five children, I rejoice that the truth...
Alice Blodgett Holmes
It is a great privilege to tell or write of the healing...
Sigfred Nelson
All the health, peace, and joy I have had during the...
E. Irene Mycock
After fifteen years of sickness, when all other remedies...
Katharine Lewis with contributions from Henry George
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Canon E. B. Smith, Alexander Lyons