Christian Science church rises as the testimony that sin yields to an understanding of infinite good; that sickness is not able to abide in the light of the wholeness of Spirit; that sorrow and loneliness and heartache can be wiped away by the presence of divine Love; that poverty and lack and business troubles dissolve because the inexhaustibility of divine Principle is understood.
the beginning of time mankind has through its circumscribed and unscientific method of thinking cut itself off from the infinitude of supply, which is in reality the birthright of the sons of God, and their available asset as heirs with Christ.
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
Throughout the Scriptures the nature of the practice of seeking after "familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter," of the necromancy of Egypt striving to emulate the wonders of Moses, of the sorcery of Simon Magus, of the carnal mind at enmity with God, seemingly operating to-day in the same forms but under different names, has been set forth as the very opposite to that Mind which Paul said was in Christ Jesus, and to the method of healing practiced by the Master and his early followers.
Miss Kate E. Andreae, Committee on Publication for the County of Sussex, England,
Christian Science is built on foundations which none can overthrow or gainsay, the immortal words and works of the great Master, Christ Jesus, being the rock on which Christian Science is built.
Charles W. Hale, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
Christian Science is in no way similar to the theory and practice of the Coué system; nor does Christian Science use autosuggestion or any other phase of human will in its teachings or its practice.
Lester B. McCoun, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
Christian Science avers that it is through the life, words, and works of Christ Jesus that one acquires not only the definition but the reality of religion.
Harry K. Filler, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
Christian Science teaches that human will-power is not Science; that this method of treatment could not be otherwise than detrimental, for the reason that it may easily infringe on the rights of men and make them less able to withstand the temptations of sin and the arguments of sickness.
your pen should gild a thought with beauty;Except your soul should sing within your song;Excepting that your inmost sense of dutyShould strive the tone of goodness to prolong;Excepting, in a word, your heart's desireWere honestly to give the world its due,Far better, heart, to quench the hidden fire,Than, speaking, thus bring more of ill to view.
Since being led to the study of Christian Science through the healing of a dear friend about three and one half years ago, I have been an earnest student, and have proved countless times that the healing truth as taught by Jesus is again in our midst.
As a mother of five children, I rejoice that the truth about God and His creation, taught by Christian Science, has power to annul so-called material laws and to set our little children free from all that is not made by God, who is Love.
It is a great privilege to tell or write of the healing power of Christian Science and of God's love for mankind, especially for one who was in dire need of it.
All the health, peace, and joy I have had during the past four and a half years I owe to the understanding of God as revealed to me through the study of Christian Science.
Katharine Lewis
with contributions from Henry George
After fifteen years of sickness, when all other remedies had failed and there was no help but God, I turned to Christian Science; and it has met my every need for eleven years.
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