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Our Gardens
Writers, ever since the time when the book of Genesis was penned, have used gardens in simile and metaphor, and have loved to draw many lessons therefrom. The preparation of the soil, the sowing of the seed, the tending of the early and the later growth, and finally the gathering of the products, have all been written of, until one might almost think the subject had been considered from every possible standpoint. While all this may make the subject appear more or less trite, there are some things from which valuable lessons can never cease to be drawn, and surely the idea of a garden is one of these.
If we think of each one's consciousness as a mental garden, what an amazing variety of vision begins to unfold! In what different states of development the gardens appear, and how manifold their apparent purposes! Some seem made to present only a pleasing impression, with all the best looking plants in the front rows. Others, one must search through long and earnestly to discover the rare beauties hidden away from view. Then there are those which appear to grow only useful things, and yet others which combine the useful and the picturesque. There are prim gardens, where everything seems orderly in the extreme, and careless ones all overgrown with weeds.
All this is a more or less just estimate of what the ordinary mental gardens of humanity present to the beholder. But there is a more serious viewpoint from which they should be considered. When we stop to realize that in them is planted all that makes for success or failure, for happiness or distress, for health or sickness, for good or evil, it may be readily seen that the greatest attention must be paid to their preparation and to their cultivation. All want their gardens to be pleasing; all would like them to be profitable and beneficent. Christian Science teaches, however, that the mental garden which is to bring forth the thirtyfold, or the sixtyfold, or the hundredfold of good to which our Master alluded, must be the one whose soil has not only been prepared by God, but it must have sown in it only the seed of Truth, and constant watchfulness must be exercised that nothing of an opposite nature shall be left to develop and blossom into things undesirable.
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December 9, 1922 issue
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The Song on the Ash-Cart
The Sunday School
"Peace and joy and power"
"Thy will be done"
Spiritual Creation
Dreams and Visions
Students of Christian Science are quite willing that Christian...
Augustus Long, Committee on Publication for the State of Nevada,
The task of trying to prove the existence of opposites...
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
While Christian Scientists have great respect for the motives...
Pearl E. Reames, Committee on Publication for the State of Arkansas,
The Scriptures unquestionably support the teaching of...
William T. Finney, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
Material man is neither real nor eternal, since he is not...
Robert G. Steel, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
Mrs. Eddy—pure, gentle, and self-sacrificing—lived a...
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Lilith May Nutting, Leonard L. Defenbaugh, Harry E. Ward, Pauline Freeman
Alliance with Good
Albert F. Gilmore
Duncan Sinclair
Our Gardens
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Tina M. Kathary, E. M. Ramsay, Benjamin Everett Lewis, George H. Read, William Justin Tucker
It is over sixteen years since I first applied to Christian...
Helena Victoria Burness
About eight years ago I attended a Wednesday evening...
A. E. F. Dolliver
I heard about Christian Science four years ago
Valdemar Willumsen
It was several years ago that I first became interested in...
Minnie Campbell
The healing of a tubercular condition of the glands...
Margaret L. Marshall
After eighteen years of the study of Christian Science...
Eleanor M. Currie
By putting into practice the understanding I have gained...
Alice S. Ashby with contributions from Mary Alice Reed
In grateful recognition of the many blessings I have...
Jolanda Thompson
Signs of the Times
with contributions from A. C. Backus