of the most important activities of our church work to-day is the Sunday school; and this department should be given earnest consideration, with a view to its forward march and specific progress.
words, "Thy will be done," which Christ Jesus uttered in his prayer during the delivery of the Sermon on the Mount, may seem mysterious in meaning, and may even seem charged with dark forebodings, until illumined by Christian Science.
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
The task of trying to prove the existence of opposites may be interesting, but it does not contribute towards the solution of the problems which confront mankind.
Pearl E. Reames, Committee on Publication for the State of Arkansas,
While Christian Scientists have great respect for the motives and philanthropy of reputable physicians, who, no doubt, are doing much towards alleviating the sufferings of humanity, Christian Scientists do not, as an editorial in a recent issue of your paper would imply, find it necessary to collaborate with the medical profession in the practice of Christian Science.
with contributions from Lilith May Nutting, Leonard L. Defenbaugh, Harry E. Ward, Pauline Freeman
"Words fail to express to you my gratitude for all the love and help that I received while I had the great privilege of being a guest in our beautiful home, the Sanatorium of The Christian Science Benevolent Association.
much sound advice given by Joshua to the tribes of Israel, perhaps none is more cogent than that which is found in the twenty-fourth chapter of the book which bears his name.
ever since the time when the book of Genesis was penned, have used gardens in simile and metaphor, and have loved to draw many lessons therefrom.
It has been found necessary to withdraw the offer which appeared in the Sentinel of November 11, 1922, to supply single copies of lecture reprints to Christian Science Reading Rooms or individuals.
About eight years ago I attended a Wednesday evening meeting of the Christian Science church, so burdened with earth-clouds that I had to be helped up the steps.
The healing of a tubercular condition of the glands through Christian Science came to me in a divinely natural way, while reading the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
After eighteen years of the study of Christian Science it is difficult to know where to begin to describe adequately the many blessings that have come to me as the result of that study.
Alice S. Ashby
with contributions from Mary Alice Reed
By putting into practice the understanding I have gained through Christian Science of God's ever-presence and love, I have been able to overcome fatigue, bilious attacks, colds, burns, and many other inharmonious conditions.
In grateful recognition of the many blessings I have received through Christian Science, and in the hope that my experiences may bring encouragement and help to some other seeker, I send this testimony for the columns of our periodicals.
me, O Love, to find my full salvation;Lead me, O Truth, to walk in purity;Teach me to know Thine is each demonstration,And every perfect thought a glimpse of Thee.
The contract for the publication and sale of the Works of Mary Baker Eddy, entered into between the Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker Eddy and The Christian Science Publishing Society in October, 1917, was rescinded by mutual agreement on June 15, 1922.
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