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The Sunday School
One of the most important activities of our church work to-day is the Sunday school; and this department should be given earnest consideration, with a view to its forward march and specific progress. Many parents who do not attend church themselves like to have their children attend the Christian Science Sunday School. Now, why is this? Must there not be a great underlying conviction that Christian Science is a power for good? We are constantly faced with evidence that this is the case, although many persons are not as yet willing to acknowledge it. Our children will help to carry on this great movement in its progressive activity, until, to use Mrs. Eddy's words in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 353), "perfection appears and reality is reached."
Let us consider some of the vital questions which concern the healthy status and progress of our Sunday schools. First, of course, Christian metaphysics must be the foundation of its teaching, in order to make it one of the healing adjuncts of the true Church. There must be the knowledge of God, or God's omniscience, the true Christ-power which awakens the child out of his dream of materiality, and leads him to the apprehension of his true, spiritual nature as the child of God. He thus attains to higher viewpoints and better thinking, and begins to see beyond the small horizon of daily doings. The Christ is unfolding to his consciousness. Because we know that the divine idea, or the Christ, is expressed eternally in completeness, we can humanly develop and expand through the divine activities which mean spiritual progress for mankind.
Discerning more of the Christ, and bringing this discernment into our Sunday school work, we shall find that both teachers and pupils become more awake and alert, and that there is more of a desire and willingness to let God, divine Mind, instruct all. The result will be a better expression of spiritual understanding. We must not forget that "Soul has infinite resources with which to bless mankind" (Science and Health, p. 60). The teacher will not feel the necessity of outlining just what he may say to his class; but his preparation will be so sure and certain, and he will be so open-minded and teachable himself, that he will recognize the needs of the class as the questions and discussions come up. Explanations and corrections will be at hand, because of his righteous desire to reflect God, divine Mind.
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December 9, 1922 issue
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The Song on the Ash-Cart
The Sunday School
"Peace and joy and power"
"Thy will be done"
Spiritual Creation
Dreams and Visions
Students of Christian Science are quite willing that Christian...
Augustus Long, Committee on Publication for the State of Nevada,
The task of trying to prove the existence of opposites...
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
While Christian Scientists have great respect for the motives...
Pearl E. Reames, Committee on Publication for the State of Arkansas,
The Scriptures unquestionably support the teaching of...
William T. Finney, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
Material man is neither real nor eternal, since he is not...
Robert G. Steel, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
Mrs. Eddy—pure, gentle, and self-sacrificing—lived a...
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Lilith May Nutting, Leonard L. Defenbaugh, Harry E. Ward, Pauline Freeman
Alliance with Good
Albert F. Gilmore
Duncan Sinclair
Our Gardens
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Tina M. Kathary, E. M. Ramsay, Benjamin Everett Lewis, George H. Read, William Justin Tucker
It is over sixteen years since I first applied to Christian...
Helena Victoria Burness
About eight years ago I attended a Wednesday evening...
A. E. F. Dolliver
I heard about Christian Science four years ago
Valdemar Willumsen
It was several years ago that I first became interested in...
Minnie Campbell
The healing of a tubercular condition of the glands...
Margaret L. Marshall
After eighteen years of the study of Christian Science...
Eleanor M. Currie
By putting into practice the understanding I have gained...
Alice S. Ashby with contributions from Mary Alice Reed
In grateful recognition of the many blessings I have...
Jolanda Thompson
Signs of the Times
with contributions from A. C. Backus