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When Caroline Cowles Richards wrote in her diary that...
The Christian Science Monitor
When Caroline Cowles Richards wrote in her diary that "Grandmother knows her Bible from Genesis to Revelation except the 'begats' and the hard names," it was doubtless in great praise of grandmother. Perhaps grandmother had many favorite passages which she was wont to quote to the children. Indeed, she may have found great solace in the promises of the Bible, and, following the path of many who lived sixty or eighty years ago, nurtured by the memory of gaining the enjoyment of religious liberty, she may have attained a sense of personal protection and comfort which is not experienced to-day by the ordinary Bible student. Such examples illustrate a certain plodding in the Scriptures by that class of readers and thinkers who gain a more or less superficial knowledge but who fail to glean a metaphysical viewpoint of the sacred writings. There is, however, that spiritual touch to every page which leads us to believe in the divine inspiration which prompted the record given by so many writers.
Now the Bible is only humanly interpreted when it is read from a material basis; when only historical fact is found; when genealogical record is sought; when time, place, or mortal act is considered only as concerned with prophet, priest, or king. Of what avail would such gleanings have been to Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science? Centuries have passed since the Scriptures were written, and yet the same spiritual understanding of divine Principle was revealed to the one whom God chose in this age to minister unto Him. As we read in the third chapter of I Samuel, of the child Samuel, whom the Lord called three times before the word of the Lord was revealed unto him, so it was with the Leader of the Christian Science movement, as she describes on pages 8 and 9 of "Retrospection and Introspection." Being repeatedly called by name, and supposing it was her mother summoning her, she responded each time, to be informed that her mother had not called. The word of the Lord had not been revealed unto her, but it was God who had called, and human consciousness interpreted the calling as a distinct voice, saying, "Mary." This coincides with what she writes of a later period in her life (Retrospection and Introspection, p. 27), "The divine hand led me into a new world of light and Life, a fresh universe—old to God, but new to His 'little one.'"
Through successive stages of progress, the revelation of the Christ was received by Mary Baker Eddy. She was animated by the spirit of Truth and Love, and through her Christian Science unfolded to a waiting world. Modestly referring to the fact that she was called of God to proclaim the Truth to this age and to plant His vineyard, she proceeded to care for it, water it, prune it, and purge it under God's guidance, until the mighty works, the healing power of Truth, should demonstrate "God with us" to the melting away, through His presence, of "all the fiery darts of the wicked;" for in His presence only good exists.
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February 22, 1919 issue
View Issue-
Our Study and Growth
Be Not Weary in Well Doing
Casting a Stone
Sowing and Reaping
Health Realized
The Upward Path
The outburst against Christian Science by a "Doctor of...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
It is unfortunate that a speaker at a recent patriotic...
Robert G. Steel
It is indeed gratifying to find your interesting paper...
W. Stuart Booth
The Missionary Spirit and Politics
William P. McKenzie
Seeing and Acknowledging
Annie M. Knott
The Good Use of Human Affection
William D. McCrackan
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from F. T. Dodge, Wallace H. Burnett, Mary Fowler, Leighton C. Brownton
Just a little over a year ago I was able to demonstrate the...
Victor A. Cazalet
It is with a deep sense of gratitude to God that I give this...
M. Louise Wells
In this testimony I would like to tell, as far as it is possible...
Emil Sutter, Jr.
About five years ago I was taken with what is known to...
Adele Blanche Haff
I am so thankful for Christian Science that I feel it...
Emma A. Everhard
With gratitude I send this testimony of the help that has...
Harriett W. Wilson
I came into Christian Science in June, 1918, while serving...
Victor H. W. Nielsen
The testimonies in our periodicals have helped me so...
Lennie Elliott
Realizing that it is my duty as well as privilege to make...
Albina B. Mason
I am very grateful to God for all the blessings that have...
B. W. Davidson