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Some ten years ago I was a nervous, sickly woman, suffering...
Some ten years ago I was a nervous, sickly woman, suffering from all kinds of ills that flesh is heir to. To-day I am healthy, strong, and calm through the knowledge of Christian Science and its application. I have been healed of headaches, car sickness, hay fever, catarrh, and other ailments. Relying wholly upon God, never planning for the next day, I have experienced uncounted blessings. This proves unmistakably to me the promise of the Master, if we fulfill the condition, namely: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." My happiest demonstration was the overcoming of resentment, after it was analyzed to be nothing but self-love. With humility and love placed in its stead, sick headache and neuralgia disappeared.
About four years ago while on a train going to his office, my husband was hurled through a window by another train hitting the coach in which he was sitting. He was brought home on a stretcher, in a semiconscious condition. My first thought was, God is his Life. I had perfect peace and did what the physicians bade me do. After about two years under the care of several physicians and going to different states in search of health, he seemed to have made little progress; in fact the misery of it all seemed almost unbearable, the claim being that his head was hurt and his brain affected. Paul's declaration, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind," helped me through it all. I knew he reflected the one perfect Mind. This understanding has made my husband well, and he too realizes that there is only one great Physician, God.
One day an automobile in which I was riding was overturned. My thoughts flew to the passage in Deuteronomy, "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." I was not afraid and could hear all that was said, although unable to move. I could not move even a finger. The car was lifted and I was dragged out. Two men carried me to the nearest house, one saying I was dead and the other that he believed I was all right. This declaration for good seemed to help me, and I slid to the ground, declaring, "I am all right." I walked back unassisted the stretch they had carried me, and would not consent to an examination by the physician who had been called, although he insisted that bones must have been broken. I treated myself mentally to annul all the laws mortal mind was placing on me, and I won. There was no bruise on my body, nor any scratch; in fact I was not hurt at all and was up and around as usual the next day.
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February 22, 1919 issue
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Our Study and Growth
Be Not Weary in Well Doing
Casting a Stone
Sowing and Reaping
Health Realized
The Upward Path
The outburst against Christian Science by a "Doctor of...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
It is unfortunate that a speaker at a recent patriotic...
Robert G. Steel
It is indeed gratifying to find your interesting paper...
W. Stuart Booth
The Missionary Spirit and Politics
William P. McKenzie
Seeing and Acknowledging
Annie M. Knott
The Good Use of Human Affection
William D. McCrackan
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from F. T. Dodge, Wallace H. Burnett, Mary Fowler, Leighton C. Brownton
Just a little over a year ago I was able to demonstrate the...
Victor A. Cazalet
It is with a deep sense of gratitude to God that I give this...
M. Louise Wells
In this testimony I would like to tell, as far as it is possible...
Emil Sutter, Jr.
About five years ago I was taken with what is known to...
Adele Blanche Haff
I am so thankful for Christian Science that I feel it...
Emma A. Everhard
With gratitude I send this testimony of the help that has...
Harriett W. Wilson
I came into Christian Science in June, 1918, while serving...
Victor H. W. Nielsen
The testimonies in our periodicals have helped me so...
Lennie Elliott
Realizing that it is my duty as well as privilege to make...
Albina B. Mason
I am very grateful to God for all the blessings that have...
B. W. Davidson