has not known the longing to gain more and more understanding of the truth, after some realization has come to him that he is indeed God's child and not the child of sin and error?
reading an article recently on the life of a famous musician, I was much impressed by the perseverance, the singleness of purpose, which he showed in his chosen work.
is recorded in the eighth chapter of John's gospel that when the scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman charged with breaking the seventh commandment and, stating that the Mosaic law required stoning for this offense, asked him what they should do, he for a time seemed to ignore their question; then he replied, "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
me not be a channel, Love divine,For any secret hate or open strife:The thought that leads to Thee, though sore beset,Must hold one in the sense of perfect life.
When Caroline Cowles Richards wrote in her diary that "Grandmother knows her Bible from Genesis to Revelation except the 'begats' and the hard names," it was doubtless in great praise of grandmother.
It is unfortunate that a speaker at a recent patriotic meeting should have so far forgotten the laudable purposes of the gathering as to have criticized the religious beliefs of others.
It is indeed gratifying to find your interesting paper among the increasing number of journals protesting against the antichristian action of forcibly closing the churches because of the fear of epidemic.
the second epistle of Peter we are admonished to gain the spiritual qualities expressed in virtue, faith, knowledge, and brotherly love, and the apostle adds, "He that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off.
The Christian Science Board of Directors of The Mother Church, with the concurrence of the Board of Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society, announces that from this date all new applications of branch churches and societies, practitioners, and nurses, for advertisement in The Christian Science Journal, Der Herold der Christian Science, or Le Héraut de Christian Science, shall be made for recognition directly to The Christian Science Board of Directors of The Mother Church.
Lecture notices can be printed in a particular number of the Sentinel when they reach the editorial department twelve days preceding its date of publication.
About five years ago I was taken with what is known to the medical profession as a severe case of rheumatism and was unable to walk without assistance.
With gratitude I send this testimony of the help that has come to me through the power of Truth as unfolded through the daily study of the Bible together with "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
Realizing that it is my duty as well as privilege to make known my extreme thankfulness to God for the living truth practiced by Christ Jesus and again made known to the world by Mrs.
Available articles from members of The Mother Church and good testimonies from those healed by Christian Science are always welcomed for consideration by the Editors.
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