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Among the Churches
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Every Evening
Wilmington, Del.—The new Christian Science church at Park Place and Van Buren Street was dedicated yesterday [Dec. 29, 1918], with appropriate exercises. More than a score of years ago Christian Science was brought to the attention of the people of Wilmington and, as is ever the case where it is introduced, the healing of all manner of diseases followed. During these twenty years many have been cured of their infirmities. Those interested organized a society and assembled regularly to hear the Lesson-Sermon read. Lectures were given, a Sunday school was opened, and a committee to distribute literature was appointed. Services were then held at 917 Gilpin Avenue. Steady progress followed. In 1902, after securing a charter, members of the society met and organized a church. A site at Park Place and Van Buren Street, 50 by 150 feet, was purchased. After much earnest thought it was deemed too small for a permanent structure. It was then decided to build a temporary chapel, and three weeks later services were held in this cosy little building. Later 65 feet additional frontage was purchased and then came the erection of the beautiful classic structure which is now the church home of the Christian Scientists of Wilmington.—Every Evening.
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February 22, 1919 issue
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Our Study and Growth
Be Not Weary in Well Doing
Casting a Stone
Sowing and Reaping
Health Realized
The Upward Path
The outburst against Christian Science by a "Doctor of...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
It is unfortunate that a speaker at a recent patriotic...
Robert G. Steel
It is indeed gratifying to find your interesting paper...
W. Stuart Booth
The Missionary Spirit and Politics
William P. McKenzie
Seeing and Acknowledging
Annie M. Knott
The Good Use of Human Affection
William D. McCrackan
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from F. T. Dodge, Wallace H. Burnett, Mary Fowler, Leighton C. Brownton
Just a little over a year ago I was able to demonstrate the...
Victor A. Cazalet
It is with a deep sense of gratitude to God that I give this...
M. Louise Wells
In this testimony I would like to tell, as far as it is possible...
Emil Sutter, Jr.
About five years ago I was taken with what is known to...
Adele Blanche Haff
I am so thankful for Christian Science that I feel it...
Emma A. Everhard
With gratitude I send this testimony of the help that has...
Harriett W. Wilson
I came into Christian Science in June, 1918, while serving...
Victor H. W. Nielsen
The testimonies in our periodicals have helped me so...
Lennie Elliott
Realizing that it is my duty as well as privilege to make...
Albina B. Mason
I am very grateful to God for all the blessings that have...
B. W. Davidson