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Be Not Weary in Well Doing
While reading an article recently on the life of a famous musician, I was much impressed by the perseverance, the singleness of purpose, which he showed in his chosen work. Even as a child, although his parents opposed him, he held steadily to his purpose to become a musician, and the obstacles of poverty, opposition, and criticism failed to discourage him. He persevered, until to-day his name is classed among the greatest violinists the world has ever known; yet he is but one of many who have attained success in spite of seemingly insurmountable difficulties.
If, then, success in the ordinary lines of life depends upon hard work and perseverance, can we hope to attain to the best and highest success of all, a Christlike life, if we indulge any indolence, discouragement, or waste of time in idle dreaming, foolish theorizing, talking instead of doing and being? Let us lay aside once and forever the false notion that we can get into the kingdom of heaven otherwise than by earnest effort. Mrs. Eddy says (Science and Health, p. 457), "Christian Science is not an exception to the general rule, that there is no excellence without labor in a direct line." Christ Jesus is our Way-shower, and we are like unto ships that have no rudder if we do not hold constantly in thought the life of the gentle Nazarene, and look to his teaching and practice for guidance as we humbly, earnestly pray and work to reflect his Godlike nature.
Does the ideal seem too high? Does the seeming impossibility of attaining it discourage before we start? Then let us remember that the Christ-life is God's great gift to the world. Jesus came manifesting the Christ, Truth, and is thus our inspiration and example. Let us bravely follow his footsteps. Let us not hesitate, though the standard be high and the pathway steep, for we can attain if we persevere. God's promises stand sure. "God is not mocked," says Paul; "for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
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February 22, 1919 issue
View Issue-
Our Study and Growth
Be Not Weary in Well Doing
Casting a Stone
Sowing and Reaping
Health Realized
The Upward Path
The outburst against Christian Science by a "Doctor of...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
It is unfortunate that a speaker at a recent patriotic...
Robert G. Steel
It is indeed gratifying to find your interesting paper...
W. Stuart Booth
The Missionary Spirit and Politics
William P. McKenzie
Seeing and Acknowledging
Annie M. Knott
The Good Use of Human Affection
William D. McCrackan
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from F. T. Dodge, Wallace H. Burnett, Mary Fowler, Leighton C. Brownton
Just a little over a year ago I was able to demonstrate the...
Victor A. Cazalet
It is with a deep sense of gratitude to God that I give this...
M. Louise Wells
In this testimony I would like to tell, as far as it is possible...
Emil Sutter, Jr.
About five years ago I was taken with what is known to...
Adele Blanche Haff
I am so thankful for Christian Science that I feel it...
Emma A. Everhard
With gratitude I send this testimony of the help that has...
Harriett W. Wilson
I came into Christian Science in June, 1918, while serving...
Victor H. W. Nielsen
The testimonies in our periodicals have helped me so...
Lennie Elliott
Realizing that it is my duty as well as privilege to make...
Albina B. Mason
I am very grateful to God for all the blessings that have...
B. W. Davidson