From early childhood I was afflicted with a serious eye...

From early childhood I was afflicted with a serious eye trouble. Nine years ago, at the age of fifteen, I had what the physicians pronounced trachoma, and was treated by leading eye specialists in Austin and San Antonio, Texas, but only temporary relief resulted. In October, 1914, my right eye became inflamed and the lid was badly swollen, granulated, and very painful. I called on a prominent eye specialist in this city, who pronounced the trouble very serious, and told me to put on dark glasses, wear a shield over my eyes, and stay in a darkened room. Several times each week I went to his office for treatment, besides using three kinds of medicine every three hours at home; but the eye continued to grow worse.

The doctor finally told me a serious complication had set in, affecting the ball of the eye, and he held out no hope of its ever being cured. An uncle who is a physician in a near-by town, held a consultation with him and afterward told my husband the trouble could never be cured. This made me most despondent, as I had been constantly under the specialist's care for almost two months, and was anxious to spend the holidays with my parents in a distant city. Both doctors, however, said it would not do to leave off treatment long enough to make the visit.

Thoroughly disheartened, I hardly knew what to do, but friends who realized the seriousness of my trouble urged me to try Christian Science. This seemed to be my only hope, so I went to a practitioner for treatment. She had me give up all medicine, discard the dark glasses, and read, write, and embroider as much as I wished. After a few treatments my eye was almost well, and I went away on the holiday visit. Five absent treatments were given me, and at the expiration of a month, when I returned home, the eye was entirely well and even stronger than the other. The specialist who had treated me, after carefully examining the eye, pronounced it well, as did my uncle, the physician who was called in consulation. I have had no return of the trouble, and my experience has seemed a marvelous demonstration to the many friends here who knew of my suffering and the serious condition before Christian Science treatment was begun. Words cannot express my gratitude for this healing.—Mrs. J. E. Bock, Houston, Texas.

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Testimony of Healing
In 1908, as a result of a cold, I was taken with a rheumatic...
July 28, 1917

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