The Postal Telegraph-Cable Company, one of the principal subsidiaries of the Mackay Companies, with its millions of money and its thousands of miles of long distance telephone and telegraph lines, has formally declared a policy of general affiliation with the independent telephone companies of the country.
second of the new sayings of Jesus has been interpreted thus: "Jesus saith (Ye ask who are those) that draw us to the kingdom, if the kingdom is in heaven?
In the report of the lecture on Christian Science by a clergyman, printed in a late issue, it is evident that he thinks Christian healing is a process of mental suggestion.
In a recent issue appears a letter signed "an Anti-Christian Scientist," which makes the charge: "The practice of medicine requires by law four or five years' hard study and a thorough knowledge of materia medica and human anatomy.
The advocates of materialism may not be willing to acknowledge the Scriptural teaching concerning, spiritual power, and may not be willing to allow those who do so believe to rely upon and satisfactorily demonstrate the availability and reliability of this power in the overcoming of sin and disease; but it is proven, and rapidly becoming recognized, that there is not on earth today a teaching that is contributing more toward the solution of the sanitation and health problems that confront our state and local boards of health than is Christian Science.
The uncertainly which seems to exist in the mind of the writer of the editorial on "The Christian Science Organization," regarding the permanence of that organization, is not shared by those who have noted its continued steady, healthy growth since the passing of its Leader.
In a recent address before the teachers in your city, a professor seems to have confused the teachings of Christian Science with hypnotism and mental suggestion.
Thank God! that I have lived to see the timeWhen the great truth begins at last to findAn utterance from the deep heart of mankind,Earnest and clear, that all revenge is crime!That man is holier than a creed,—that allRestraint upon him must consult his good,Hope's sunshine linger on his prison wall,And Love look in upon his solitude.
apostle Peter counseled his followers: "Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you;" but there are many who, no matter how clearly a doctrine may be presented, refuse to be convinced thereby, and still demand, "Give me the ocular proof.
was one of those to whom a holiday brings the coveted privilege of getting out into what at its best may be well named "God's own world," into the fields and woods, the unimpeded sunshine and sweet-scented air.
clear thinkers have studied the operations of the law of growth, and have given us some of the results of their study along lines biological, ethical, mental, and spiritual.
with contributions from E. C. Miller, John B. Whitford, F. H. Taft, George W. Woodbury, A. W. Dana, R. D. Griffin
Speaking before a large audience at the Grand Theater yesterday afternoon [April 16], Bliss Knapp of Boston expounded the doctrines of Christian Science in a most entertaining and interesting way.
It is with a sense of devout thankfulness to God that I wish to express my gratitude for the daily help which the knowledge of Christian Science has been to me.
with contributions from JOHN AUG. LINDROS
It is over nine years since I first became interested in Christian Science, and I wish to express publicly my gratitude for the many blessings I receive each day through the study and application of its teachings.
I feel that the spiritual method of healing which our dear Leader has established is no other than that which our Lord and Master practised nineteen hundred years ago, when he healed all manner of sickness, disease of every kind and nature, for we have the same proofs today as of yore.
I came to Christian Science, as a last resort, for the healing of a form of rheumatism pronounced by several physicians as incurable; in fact, they told me that there was not a case on record that had been cured with medicine.
During the winter one of the girls in the home of which I am matron became severely afflicted with a skin disease which spread rapidly over the body, also the head.
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